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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-11 10:10

  本文選題:裝飾藝術 + 纖維 ; 參考:《青島大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:裝飾藝術的基本特征是形式美,是作為客體而依存于主體的藝術。由它的時代性、審美性、民族性的不同,表現出不同的裝飾風格。纖維藝術所具有溫暖、柔和、親切的特質,在與現代裝飾藝術結合時得到了完美體現,尤其纖維材質在表現抽象題材及裝飾效果上有其它材料不可比擬的優(yōu)勢。 本文首先論述了裝飾藝術與纖維材料的概念,分析了纖維材料的特性,對其種類進行劃分并分別論述其情感特性。闡述了纖維材料材質、肌理的情感表達。通過分析纖維材料的特性,探討了現代纖維藝術的情感要素和在裝飾藝術中的應用方法,從而滿足人們對于溫暖生活環(huán)境的需求,體現現代裝飾藝術設計亦應當以人為本的理念。 本文通過闡明人們對裝飾藝術情感化的需求;重點分析了各類纖維材料的情感特性,根據纖維材料情感特性傳遞的不同要求,和諧搭配裝飾藝術。最后通過具體的設計實例,講述了將利用纖維材料的情感化合理應用于裝飾中的具體實現。
[Abstract]:The basic characteristic of decorative art is the beauty of form and the art that is dependent on the subject as the object. By its epochal, aesthetic, national characteristics of the different, showing different decorative styles. Fiber art has warm, soft, cordial characteristics, in the combination of modern decorative art has been the perfect embodiment, In particular, fiber materials have incomparable advantages over other materials in representing abstract themes and decorative effects. This paper first discusses the concepts of decorative art and fiber materials, and analyzes the characteristics of fiber materials. The types are divided and their emotional characteristics are discussed respectively. The emotional expression of fiber material and texture is expounded. By analyzing the characteristics of fiber materials, this paper discusses the emotional elements of modern fiber art and its application in decorative art, so as to meet the needs of people for warm living environment. This paper expounds the emotional needs of people to decorative art, and analyzes the emotional characteristics of all kinds of fiber materials, according to the different requirements of the transmission of the emotional characteristics of fiber materials. Harmony and adornment art. Finally, through the concrete design example, the concrete realization of the rational application of the emotion of the fiber material in the decoration is described.


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