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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-11 10:02

  本文選題:女性晚禮服 + 設(shè)計; 參考:《廣東工業(yè)大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:晚禮服作為女性禮服中最典雅、華貴的禮服樣式,因其高度的藝術(shù)性與技術(shù)性成為最能展示穿著者形象及個性的正式著裝。其典型特征是強(qiáng)調(diào)女性窈窕的身姿,充分展露女性的肩、胸、臂等部位,并選擇性地采用鑲嵌、刺繡、皺褶、花邊、寶石等裝飾感強(qiáng)的設(shè)計手法來彰顯個人風(fēng)格、氣質(zhì)和藝術(shù)修養(yǎng)?v觀中外晚禮服的設(shè)計史,裝飾始終以或簡約或繁復(fù)的形態(tài)出現(xiàn),并在漫長的發(fā)展演變中逐漸成為晚禮服設(shè)計中的焦點(diǎn),對晚禮服著裝者表達(dá)個人風(fēng)格和審美品位等方面有著重要的影響。因此,研究晚禮服設(shè)計中的裝飾手法對提高晚禮服的藝術(shù)性和商業(yè)性均具有重大意義。 本課題依據(jù)對中外服裝史中女性晚禮服裝飾的溯源,歸納了晚禮服裝飾的形態(tài)、性質(zhì)及影響因素;通過大量的史料分析,總結(jié)了人類歷史上不同時期中西方晚禮服裝飾手法的風(fēng)格特點(diǎn)及差異;根據(jù)圖片分析系統(tǒng)地闡述了晚禮服裝飾手法的種類及特征,探討了晚禮服裝飾手法的實(shí)現(xiàn)工藝;并在闡釋上述理論研究的基礎(chǔ)上從實(shí)證角度出發(fā),借助大量的設(shè)計實(shí)踐,結(jié)合人體體型和局部部位將晚禮服、晚禮服的裝飾以及著裝者三者的關(guān)系有機(jī)地結(jié)合起來進(jìn)行較系統(tǒng)的論述,以體現(xiàn)人衣合一的完美服飾儀表著裝搭配原則,展示人們的最高精神需求,完善和健全了晚禮服設(shè)計中裝飾手法的理論知識體系,進(jìn)而總結(jié)歸納出不同體型女性晚禮服裝飾手法的要點(diǎn)及規(guī)律,為提高晚禮服設(shè)計的藝術(shù)性和商業(yè)性提供一定的理論依據(jù)和實(shí)踐參考,具有一定的學(xué)術(shù)價值和較強(qiáng)的實(shí)用價值。
[Abstract]:Evening dress is the most elegant and luxurious dress style in women's dress because of its high artistic and technical nature it becomes the most formal dress that can show the wearer's image and personality. Its typical features are the emphasis on women's slender posture, full exposure of women's shoulders, chest, arms and other parts, and the selective use of mosaic, embroidery, wrinkle, lace, gems and other decorative design techniques to highlight the strong sense of personal style, Temperament and artistic accomplishment. Throughout the history of evening dress design at home and abroad, decoration has always appeared in the form of simplicity or complexity, and gradually became the focus of evening dress design in the long development and evolution. It has an important influence on the expression of personal style and aesthetic taste of evening dress dresser. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the decoration techniques in the evening dress design to improve the artistry and commercial quality of the evening dress. Based on the tracing to the origin of the dress decoration in the history of Chinese and foreign dress, the paper sums up the pattern of the evening dress decoration. Through the analysis of a large number of historical data, this paper summarizes the style characteristics and differences of evening dress decoration techniques in China and the West in different periods of human history, and systematically expounds the types and characteristics of evening dress decoration techniques according to the analysis of pictures. This paper discusses the realization technology of evening dress decoration, and on the basis of explaining the above theoretical research, from the perspective of empirical, with a large number of design practice, combined with the body shape and parts of the evening dress, The adornment of evening dress and the relationship among the three dressers organically combine to carry on the more systematic discussion, in order to embody the perfect dress instrument dress matching principle of the combination of man and clothing, and to show the people's highest spiritual demand, Perfect and perfect the theory knowledge system of the decoration technique in the evening dress design, and then sum up the main points and rules of the adornment technique of the different type female evening dress, In order to improve the artistic and commercial design of evening dress, it provides some theoretical basis and practical reference, and has certain academic value and strong practical value.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 師宏;;補(bǔ)子的藝術(shù)審美及封建禮儀制度[J];當(dāng)代藝術(shù);2007年04期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 王春艷;女性胸臀缺陷在晚禮服設(shè)計中補(bǔ)正研究[D];武漢紡織大學(xué);2011年

2 王小紅;近代傳統(tǒng)女裝裝飾工藝研究及其對現(xiàn)代女裝設(shè)計的啟示[D];江南大學(xué);2009年





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