

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-27 14:28

  本文選題:草原題材 + 微電影; 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a form of free expression and entertainment, the emergence of micro-film is undoubtedly the product of the times. Micro-film has attracted wide attention since its birth. In recent years, the development of micro-film has made China enter the "national era". With the increasing increase in the number of works, the pursuit of artistry has become the driving force of most micro-film creation, and the pursuit of artistry has become increasingly blurred. As a minority region, in the trend of the times, a large number of micro-film works with the theme of grassland life emerged in the gestation of rich national culture. This paper studies the artistry of Inner Mongolia grassland-themed micro-film based on the development of micro-film. The full text is divided into six parts, introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The first chapter defines the Inner Mongolia grassland subject matter micro-film, summarizes its generation and the development brief situation. The second chapter through the concrete example induction, the analysis, combs the Inner Mongolia prairie subject matter micro film in the theme choice, the theme establishment, the artistic structure, the audio-visual effect, the dissemination process five aspects forms the artistic characteristic. The third chapter expounds the realistic significance of Inner Mongolia grassland theme micro-film from aesthetic function and social function. In the fourth chapter, by comparing domestic and foreign excellent micro films, I think about the shortage of Inner Mongolia grassland subject matter micro film, in order to make great progress of Inner Mongolia micro film. Through microfilm, a window of traditional national culture and modern science and technology, we have a taste of the natural and humanistic landscape, ethnic customs and national character of Inner Mongolia; understand the profound connotation of prairie culture; and, more importantly, Through understanding the existing situation and realistic problems of the grassland people, deeply understand the ideas and emotions transmitted by the works, which is intended to form a certain degree of attention to the artistry of micro-films, which is also one of the purposes and original intention of this study.


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