

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-27 04:23

  本文選題:徽州建筑 + 窗欞 ; 參考:《安徽工程大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The art of window lattice of Huizhou style originated in Song Dynasty and reached its peak in Ming and Qing dynasties. As a highly mature art type, the window lattice art of the Huizhou School was formed under the influence of many factors, such as the humanistic environment of ancient Huizhou area, the prosperous Huizhou merchant economy, the thought of Cheng Zhu Neo-Confucianism and the process of Huizhou printmaking, etc. It expresses the local people's yearning for the beautiful things, the pursuit of the indifferent, simple and natural artistic charm, and it is also the artistic creation carrier of the ancient folk artisans with abundant imagination. Different shapes, carved fine architectural window lattice decoration through the vicissitudes of life, still flashing the light of art, with multi-level aesthetic implications. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to deeply excavate the inherent cultural connotation and aesthetic appreciation value of the window lattice art of the Huizhou school building for inheriting and carrying forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture. Based on the field investigation, historical archives and literature, this paper makes a systematic study on the window lattice art of Huizhou School. Throughout the whole article, it mainly includes the following four aspects: first, clear the purpose and significance of this study, summarize the current research situation at home and abroad, clarify the content, logical framework and main innovation points of this study; secondly, based on the perspective of art design, Trace back to the root of the window lattice culture of Huizhou architecture. From the development course of Huizhou architectural window lattice to the function of window lattice, and then to the cultural origin and artistic theme of Huizhou window lattice, a thorough and meticulous study is carried out; thirdly, guided by the theories of tectonics, typology, sociology, and the pattern, This paper systematically studies the style characteristics of Huizhou architectural window lattice art from the aspects of technological characteristics and environmental art features. Finally, the applied principles and design aesthetics of Huizhou architectural window lattice art in the field of modern design are discussed. The enlightenment in the field of material engineering and folklore is summarized, and its inheritance and innovative application in architectural appearance design, interior decoration design, dress fabric and pattern design, and my master's graduation design are discussed. As one of the unique folk art forms in Huizhou area, the art of window lattice of Huizhou architecture has the value of aesthetic appreciation which is rich in culture, and is a treasure of Huizhou culture that has been handed down to this day. Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the traditional handicraft is gradually replaced by the modern machine manufacturing process, and the carving technology of window lattice in the Huizhou architecture is on the verge of being lost. Therefore, through detailed literature induction, field investigation and careful analysis, this paper traces the origin, culture and development of Huizhou window lattice art, and probes into its pattern composition, technological features and environmental artistic features. It will help to integrate the "shape" and "God" of traditional window lattice patterns into the "meaning" and "environment" of modern decoration design. Forming the design context of traditional and modern fusion, bringing strong visual effect and art appreciation, guiding and enlightening the development of contemporary art design, providing a new direction for the inheritance of traditional Huizhou architectural window lattice art culture.


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