

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-27 01:31

  本文選題:地震遺址 + 公園; 參考:《華北理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In 40 years, Tangshan has become a modern new city, 40 years of time, can not erase the people's minds almost destroyed the Tangshan earthquake. There was a place that we used to remember loved ones, to be thankful for our lives, there were walls of remembrance filled with the names of those who had died, there were earthquake sites that carried the history of Tangshan, and there were touching stories to tell. That is where we Tangshan people can not forget for a long time-Tangshan earthquake site park. With the development of modern society and the continuous progress of information technology, people's demand for urban parks is also increasing, only the leisure and entertainment forms of parks are difficult to meet the needs of people now. So a large number of new theme parks began to rise. Tangshan City established the first park with the theme of earthquake site, thus creating a pioneer for the memorial park of earthquake site and providing valuable experience for the study of earthquake site park in the future. Firstly, the background and status quo of the project are briefly discussed, and then the design techniques and function value of the earthquake site park are summarized. This paper analyzes the Tangshan earthquake site park by laying the foundation of the theory. 1) analyzes the space combination mode of the Tangshan earthquake site park and the layout form of the road traffic and so on. 2) focuses on the analysis of the layout form of the Tangshan earthquake site park. The design features of the thematic landscape of Tangshan Seismic site Park are analyzed in detail. And summed up the design principles of earthquake site park. Through the thematic study of Tangshan earthquake site park design, more people feel its connotation, better show its unique charm, so that the park has more social value, so as to give visitors more inspiration.


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