

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-26 02:49

  本文選題:新型路面 + 觀感; 參考:《長安大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:近年來新型路面材料和結(jié)構(gòu)不斷涌現(xiàn),包括彩色瀝青、橡膠瀝青、熱反射涂層、大粒徑透水結(jié)構(gòu)等。新型路面由于技術(shù)上的優(yōu)勢,應(yīng)用越來越廣泛。與傳統(tǒng)的路面形式相比,新型路面不僅滿足路用性能的要求,而且具有良好的生態(tài)功能。比如彩色路面的景觀效果顯著,影響人的觀感;橡膠瀝青路面的降低交通噪聲的作用,影響人的聽感;熱反射涂層和大粒徑透水結(jié)構(gòu)可以緩解城市熱島效應(yīng),改善人的體感溫度。從這個層面來說,這幾類新型路面與人的感官感受緊密相連。目前對新型路面的路用性能的研究已經(jīng)很多,因此本文主要基于感官認(rèn)識的角度,探討這幾類新型路面的生態(tài)功能設(shè)計(jì)和應(yīng)用,并進(jìn)行感官評價研究。首先進(jìn)行基于觀感的路面色彩設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用,根據(jù)色彩心理學(xué)原理和色彩搭配理論,結(jié)合彩色路面的作用,使用CAD進(jìn)行平面圖描線、導(dǎo)入3D MAX建模型、并使用Photoshop軟件作后期的圖像處理,進(jìn)行基于觀感的道路模擬和路面色彩設(shè)計(jì),并通過室內(nèi)試驗(yàn)研究不同色彩的反射降溫作用和淺色膠結(jié)料的著色性能及低溫性能。在此基礎(chǔ)上,進(jìn)行路面觀感質(zhì)量評價,提出觀感質(zhì)量評價指標(biāo)和量化評價方法。其次進(jìn)行基于聽感的降噪路面設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用,根據(jù)不同類型降噪路面的作用機(jī)理和調(diào)查結(jié)果,分析橡膠低噪聲路面的優(yōu)越性,并對與降噪效果相關(guān)的膠粉規(guī)格和摻量等影響因素進(jìn)行研究;將室內(nèi)研究成果應(yīng)用于試驗(yàn)路,進(jìn)行試驗(yàn)路降噪效果測試。然后進(jìn)行基于體感的熱反射路面設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用,根據(jù)熱反射路面的適用原則和施工工藝,進(jìn)行室外熱反射涂層降溫試驗(yàn),定量描述熱反射涂層的降溫效果,并分析其社會經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。最后進(jìn)行基于體感的透水路面設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用,根據(jù)透水性路面的調(diào)節(jié)空氣溫濕機(jī)理,進(jìn)行大空隙材料的滲水試驗(yàn)和滲透試驗(yàn),并分別跟空隙率做相關(guān)性分析。根據(jù)減少路表徑流和保證透水透氣性,得到目標(biāo)空隙率和結(jié)構(gòu)厚度的計(jì)算公式。新型路面的生態(tài)功能與人的感官感受緊密相連,為了提供更好的人居環(huán)境,最大程度地滿足人類生活舒適性,有必要在研究新型路面的設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用的基礎(chǔ)上,對其進(jìn)行感官評價研究。
[Abstract]:In recent years, new pavement materials and structures have been emerging, including colored asphalt, rubber asphalt, thermal reflection coating, large particle size water permeable structure and so on. The new road surface is more and more widely used because of its technical advantages. Compared with the traditional pavement, the new pavement not only meets the requirements of road performance, but also has good ecological function. For example, the landscape effect of color pavement is remarkable, which affects human perception; the role of rubber asphalt pavement in reducing traffic noise and affecting people's sense of hearing; the heat reflection coating and large diameter water permeable structure can alleviate the urban heat island effect. Improve human body temperature. From this level, these new types of road surface and people's sensory feelings are closely linked. At present, there are many researches on the road performance of the new pavement, so this paper mainly discusses the ecological function design and application of these new types of pavement based on the sensory cognition, and carries on the sensory evaluation research. Firstly, based on the theory of color psychology and color collocation, the road surface color design and application based on perception are carried out. According to the function of color road surface and the function of color pavement, the plane drawing line is carried out by CAD, and the 3D Max model is built. Photoshop software is used for image processing in the later stage to simulate the road and design the road color based on perception. The reflection and cooling effect of different colors and the coloring and low temperature properties of light-colored binder are studied through laboratory experiments. On the basis of this, the evaluation index and quantitative evaluation method of road surface perception quality are put forward. Secondly, the design and application of noise-reducing pavement based on audition are carried out. According to the action mechanism and investigation results of different types of road surface, the superiority of rubber low-noise pavement is analyzed. The influence factors such as rubber powder specification and dosage are studied, and the results of indoor research are applied to the test road to test the noise reduction effect of the test road. Then, the design and application of thermal reflection pavement based on body sensation are carried out. According to the applicable principle and construction technology of heat reflection pavement, the cooling test of outdoor thermal reflection coating is carried out, and the cooling effect of heat reflection coating is described quantitatively. And analyze its social and economic benefits. Finally, the design and application of permeable pavement based on body sense are carried out. According to the mechanism of regulating air temperature and humidity of permeable pavement, the permeation test and permeation test of large void material are carried out, respectively, and the correlation analysis is made with the porosity. Based on the reduction of surface runoff and the guarantee of water permeability, the formulas for calculating the void ratio and structural thickness of the target are obtained. The ecological function of the new road surface is closely connected with the sensory feeling of the human being. In order to provide a better human settlement environment and to meet the maximum comfort of human life, it is necessary to study the design and application of the new road surface. Sensory evaluation was carried out.


相關(guān)會議論文 前2條

1 莫罹;孔彥鴻;邵益生;;試論城市規(guī)劃的環(huán)境影響評價[A];規(guī)劃50年——2006中國城市規(guī)劃年會論文集(上冊)[C];2006年

2 呂偉民;周海生;葛劍敏;王佐民;;阻尼減振式瀝青路面的降噪特性[A];中國公路學(xué)會2003年學(xué)術(shù)年會論文集[C];2003年




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