

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-25 15:52

  本文選題:南寧市 + 觀賞棕櫚; 參考:《中南林業(yè)科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Palmiaceae is widely used in urban landscaping or potted ornamental plants because of its unique plant type and high ornamental value. However, the comprehensive evaluation of palm plants in our region and even in China has hardly carried out relevant research. The garden application standards, landscape configuration design, variety selection and introduction criteria of ornamental palms have strong randomness and randomness. Led to ornamental palm research, production and cultivation of new varieties of chaos. Comprehensive evaluation of ornamental palm is the key and foundation of scientific introduction and development of ornamental palm, which can effectively solve the problem of economic loss caused by not paying attention to scientific and blind introduction of ornamental palm. Reduce environmental pollution caused by excessive pest control. Based on the basic theories and techniques of garden plants and application, garden treeology and garden aesthetics, a set of scientific and operable comprehensive evaluation system has been established by collecting, arranging and analyzing documents, combining with field investigation. This paper makes a systematic evaluation of the common ornamental palms in Nanning, probes into the present situation of the application of the ornamental palms in Nanning, and puts forward some suggestions in view of the shortcomings. The aim is to provide the basis for the rational exploitation, breeding and introduction of ornamental palm, and to reduce the waste of resources, manpower, material resources and time due to blindness and repeatability. Through research, the following conclusion is drawn: 1. The evaluation system of ornamental palm in Nanning was established. Referring to the evaluation methods of ornamental plants, the evaluation system is constructed from the aspects of ornamental value, adaptability, economic index and application index. The evaluation system adopts the method of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis to make the evaluation results relatively comprehensive and scientific. The total value of 23 ornamental palms in Nanning was classified into 3 grades by AHP. Among them, 13 species of grade I, including fishtail sunflower, cattleflower, palm, polyphagous palm, Jinshan sunflower, brown bamboo, etc. Three drugs, areca nut, Yinhai jujube, canary sea date, green palm, rich coconut, round leaf sunflower and Hawaiian coconut; class II has five species, including pocket coconut, Dong palm, fishtail coconut, loose tail coconut and king coconut; and there are five species in grade III, Includes mosaic palm bamboo, soft conifer, king coconut, old sunflower and cabbage palm. 3. The problems existing in the application of ornamental palm in Nanning were analyzed and summarized. The application of ornamental palms in Nanning was investigated and studied in detail. It was found that there were 30 species of ornamental palms used in Nanning, of which 9 species were native species and 21 species were imported from abroad, and the proportion of native palms was small. In application, there is a problem of valuing but not practicability. The theoretical basis and principle of application of ornamental palm landscape. In view of the present situation of application of ornamental palm in Nanning City, it is suggested that the principles of scientific, practical and artistic should be followed in order to speed up the breeding process of new varieties. This can not only create beautiful landscape and maintain the stability of landscape, better play the function of garden plants, but also enrich the germplasm resources of garden plants, highlight the local characteristics.


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