

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 11:03

  本文選題:花海 + 植物; 參考:《東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous acceleration of the urbanization process, the people's living standard is constantly increasing and the pressure of survival is increasing. People's demand for relaxing the body and mind has been greatly developed. Therefore, the agricultural sightseeing experience has been developed rapidly, which meets the people's daily improvement in the pursuit of quality of life. People gradually realize that the rich agricultural connotation has many important meanings in economy, culture, politics and society. The adjustment of agricultural structure helps to promote the new crop industry revolution (such as flower industry), protect the rural natural ecological environment and inherit the local historical culture at the same time of alleviating the energy crisis. It coincides with the rapid development of the flower industry in China. In the period of development, as well as the period of rapid development of the tourism industry and the transition period of agricultural transformation, the theme agricultural ecological garden of Huahai is born, and the new technology of agricultural production combined with production capacity is realized, and the core of diversified industries is the core of the agriculture and Forestry to bring about the transformation and upgrading of the new countryside. Agricultural sightseeing ecological garden, as one of the newly emerging agricultural industries, has good prospects for development; however, after 20~30 years of construction and development planning, its development is still in its infancy. There are a series of problems in many aspects, such as early planning, product design, management and demand, to a certain extent, the development of industry. The exhibition has been restricted and hindered by the transformation and upgrading of agroforestry and the requirements for the construction of new rural areas. In recent years, the landscape of the Chinese flower sea has been developing rapidly and has become a new trend in the construction of domestic flower landscape. There are many problems hidden behind the area and the rapid development of large scale. If we do not carry out the theoretical and practical analysis in time and find out the way to solve this problem, the development of Huahai landscape in China is very likely to face the decline of the cliff style or the mass extinction. On the basis of the related literature of landscape garden and ecology, this paper studies the ways and means of the plant landscape construction of the flower sea theme agricultural tourism ecological garden, analyzes the theory of industrial economy, market orientation, color psychology, sight view, tourism humanities and so on, and carries on the field investigation and case analysis on the existing problems of Huahai sightseeing garden. It combines with Nenjiang flat. The main results are as follows: (1) there are many problems in the flower sea sightseeing garden after investigation and study. The main reasons are: Construction repetition, lack of regional characteristics, single landscape, lack of attraction, short ornamental period of the flower sea, unable to maintain the annual operation; Poor basic facilities, lack of human thinking, lack of ecological protection awareness in planning and design, found that the development of a single flower landscape is difficult. The comprehensive agricultural tourism ecological garden based on this theme is the best choice for its long-term stability and sustainable development. (2) through induction and analysis, it is concluded that the planting of flower plants should be based on local tree species, with different forms, texture, color, odor, and seasonal change of the perennial root, one, two raw herbs and ornamental grass to create a multi stable natural plant community. According to the plant investigation in Qigihar area, 84 kinds of Joe irrigation are screened. Wood and 101 kinds of flowers, including 66 kinds of wild flowers, 30 kinds of cold resistant, 22 shade tolerant, 6 wild vines, 22 kinds of ornamental grass, the introduction and domestication of wild flowers, the use of domesticated local flowers and ornamental flowers to follow the principle of biodiversity, landscape aesthetics principle and economic principle, among which 64 kinds of functional flowers are selected. (3) In the construction of the theme agro ecological garden in the cold flower sea, the use of ecological technology is fully considered. Using "3R" and "3G" technology, the ecological parking field is built according to the full natural conditions of the sunshine in the whole year, and the photovoltaic greenhouse is built to reduce the consumption of non renewable energy, and to improve the economic benefit and achieve the sustainable development of energy. When the landscape site is built, the micro terrain is properly built to create a concave green space which can collect rainwater. The sides of the road can be properly set on both sides of the road. The landscape environment can be constructed to reduce pollution, improve the energy utilization rate, reduce the environmental pressure and obtain the maximum overall benefit. (4) according to the construction of the theme agro ecological landscape of the cold flower sea. The theoretical system of view design makes use of the advantages of plain geomorphology and the advantages of the black soil and soil environment to create a new agricultural industry. For the overall planning and design of the Qigihar Maurice Lake Scenic Area in the Nenjiang plain area, that is, the plant landscape design, which is based on the region, the combination of production capacity, and the sustainable development, is more specific and more specific. Intuitively express the extension of the theory.


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