

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-22 23:44

  本文選題:徐上瀛 + 溪山琴況。 參考:《遼寧大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Xi Shan Qin State is an important work of music aesthetics, mainly discusses how to create excellent piano music art. This paper analyzes this music aesthetics from the angle of Tao, mind and body. The first part explains the theoretical resources of aesthetic creation, including Tao and mind. The first section explains the theoretical connotation of Tao, focusing on the relationship between Tao and art, which shows that the soul of "art" is "Tao", and its theoretical root is the concept of "harmony of nature and man" in China. The second section explains the relationship between Qin State and Heart. Because of the emphasis on sensibility and the characteristics of experience, art is the representation of the soul, and art is the self-choice and self-expression of the human heart. The second part explains the realm of "Tao" embodied in Qin State, the realm of "Tao" is shown in the pursuit of "and" aesthetic ideal ", as well as the aesthetic quality of" Dan ". The third part of the article focuses on the meaning of "heart" embodied in Qin State, which is manifested in two aspects: quiet and swimming. Playing the piano should not only have a quiet environment, but also have an empty mind, with all the mentality. Only in the state of no utilitarian intuition, can the mind roam freely, connect with nature and travel with nature. The empty mind is for the contemplation of all things, and the mind of contemplation is a wandering heart. The four parts of the article specifically talk about the explanation of "body" in "Xi Shan Qin State". When playing the piano involves the specific body operation, it emphasizes the skillfulness and purity of the finger method, and seeks the sum of the finger method, the clarity of the finger method, and the firmness of the finger method, respectively. The four aspects of climate are discussed. The fifth part explains the aesthetic characteristics of aesthetic creation of Tao, mind and body, which is characterized by vivid charm and unity of spirit and spirit. The last part of the article talks about the meaning of "Xi Shan Qin State" to modern people's life, and explains the aesthetic significance of harmony and symbiosis of nature and society brought to us by "Qin State".


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