

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-21 13:50

  本文選題:茶文化 + 符號解讀; 參考:《福建茶葉》2016年07期

[Abstract]:Tea culture is an important chapter of Chinese traditional culture. In the course of historical development, tea culture permeates all aspects of society with its unique artistic charm and forms rich and diverse cultural forms. Tea not only provides people with rich material and spiritual wealth, but also provides rich materials for the environmental design of tea houses, tea museums and other places. With the development and progress of tea environment design, it combines with different art categories and forms unique landscape art. This paper aims to provide an effective reference for the development and design of modern tea culture by analyzing and studying the symbols of tea culture.
【作者單位】: 武昌理工學院藝術設計學院;


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1 何志丹;茶文化的符號學解讀及其在環(huán)境設計中的應用[D];湖南農業(yè)大學;2009年





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