

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-21 13:30

  本文選題:耒陽(yáng)民歌 + 湖南民歌; 參考:《中國(guó)音樂學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In China, there is a long tradition of national culture and deep artistic accumulation of traditional local folk songs. With the rapid development of knowledge economy in the new era, there has been considerable development in the new historical period. Traditional local folk songs and popular songs are increasingly closely linked. The folk songs in Leiyang area of Hunan Province are unique in style and simple. They are important treasures of the five thousand years gorgeous intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese people and are also the outstanding contributions made by Leiyang for the development of the cultural cause of all mankind from generation to generation. Leiyang folk songs, which are widely used and rich in feelings, are involved in all aspects of real life, reflecting deeply the emotions and emotions caused by social production and living in the hearts of people in Leiyang. Leiyang folk song is the precious achievement of the development of the small peasant economy and society in ancient China. It bears witness to the evolution of the aesthetic thinking of the people in Leiyang under the different background of the times. It inherits and develops the traditional culture at the same time it also has the nature of the times. In the new era of diversified music still retain its unique artistic charm. Leiyang folk songs are rich in content, diverse in genres, folk songs, labor numbers, minor tune, and Tian Ge are roughly distinguished from Leiyang folk songs in theory. This paper takes the folk songs in Leiyang area of Hunan Province as the research object, from the angle of vocal music singing and folk song development, systematically induces and analyzes the historical and cultural origin, local characteristic style and special singing techniques of Leiyang folk songs. Based on the arrangement and refinement of the singing methods of the folk songs in Leiyang, this paper analyzes the artistic characteristics and local colors of the vocal music singing in the folk songs of Leiyang in Hunan Province. This paper tries to provide a little reference for the further study of Leiyang folk songs, to provide empirical reference for the study and development of local traditional folk songs in the present and to put forward their own thinking. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter introduces the geographical and cultural environment nurtured by Leiyang folk songs. The geographical environment, economic situation, cultural origin and social structure of Leiyang folk songs, the local customs and language characteristics of traditional Leiyang society are analyzed in detail from the geographical environment, economic situation, cultural origin and social structure of Leiyang folk song. The cultural environment plays an important role in the development of Leiyang folk songs. According to the classification of Chinese folk songs, the second and third chapters classify the folk songs of Leiyang, and expound in detail the music characteristics of Leiyang folk songs, such as mode, scale, rotation, range, interval and so on. The fourth chapter summarizes the local characteristics of Leiyang folk songs, specifically to Leiyang folk songs language, tone, lyric expression techniques, summed up Leiyang folk songs unique singing techniques. The fifth chapter introduces the inheritance and development of Leiyang folk songs. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the folk songs in Leiyang and the author's own, on the basis of many years of systematic and scientific vocal music vocalization methods, the author puts forward the thinking of the local folk song inheritance in the school music education.


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