

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-20 23:13

  本文選題:萬華巖 + 發(fā)育演化 ; 參考:《廣西師范學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Wanhua rock is located in the North Lake District of Chenzhou, Hunan province. It is an early tourist cave in China. There are rich karst landscapes in the Wanhua cave. But in the case of more comprehensive caves in the southern karst area, there are few studies on the genesis of Wanhua cave. From 8 to April 2016 2015, the author went to the Wanhua rock region of Chenzhou successively. The field surface survey is carried out to observe the characteristics of the underground cave morphology and structure, and the valuable basic data are obtained. On this basis, the genesis of the cave of Wanhua rock and the evolution process of the Wanhua rock and the distribution characteristics of the landscape in the cave are analyzed on the basis of the natural geographical conditions and the geological conditions as the starting point. On the basis of the above research, the suggestions for the sustainable development of the Wanhua cave tourism are put forward, and the development direction of the karst caves is discussed. The following basic conclusions are obtained: the 1. Wanhua rock is the underground river cave system which is still developing. The cave system is large scale, a main tunnel and a branch tunnel, and the negative topographic group connecting them. Under the action of water erosion to varying degrees, the tunnel can be divided into two forms of large form of cave and small form of cave. The shape of the whole tunnel is porch like, the local section is halls and Canyon like. Under the influence of erosion and erosion, the whole area of the small form of the.2. Wanhua area with four caves is low in the South High North and in the Wanhua cave. The evolution of the acupoint system is consistent with the flow direction of the underground river. It shows that the development and evolution of the Wanhua cave is influenced by the development and evolution of its underground river. The scale of the underground river is influenced by the formation, lithology, structure and other factors. Therefore, the genesis of the cave should be taken into consideration of its lithology, structure, and exogenous water, such as.3. Wanhua cave system area. The lithology in the region is dominated by carbonate rocks in the northern sedimentary rocks, but it is influenced by the southern magmatite. The carbonate rocks, mainly limestone and dolomitic limestone, provide the material basis for the development and evolution of the Wanhua cave. The dissolution of carbonate rocks in the Wanhua cave area under different degrees of erosion erosion In the case of different degree of solubility, the morphology of the tunnel structure is different and.4. can be obtained through the measured fracture structure data. Many fracture structures control the form, structure and extension direction of the main channel of Wanhua rock. Not only that, the different types of fracture are the important links of the internal and external environment of the cave structure. The development and evolution of the sediment landscape in the cave is strongly dissolved. The addition of the exogenous water of the erosive ability is of great significance to the development of the large caves. The development and evolution of the cave system is related to the supply of exogenous water. Wan Huayan's modern underground river water mainly comes from the infiltration and injection of the surface water downstream of the southern tierkeng reservoir. The branch channel originates from the contact zone of granite and carbonate rock, and its underground river branch flows through the karst area into the main cave.6. Wanhua rock development and evolution experience two stages, namely the main tunnel development stage and the branch tunnel development stage. In the main tunnel of Wanhua rock, the main tunnel has a long history history, mainly formed in the stage of the current of the current. The development stage is due to the tectonic uplift, with the fall of the drainage datum, the ground began to leak, the surface depressions, the funnel, the falling water hole and the ground water hole, and so on, the surface water also gradually infiltrated into the underground and began to form and developed the current channel. At the same time, it was affected by the collapse of the rock crater and the Blackrock crater collapse on the river. In addition, the decrease of precipitation leads to the diversion of the surface channel, the amount of water entering the main tunnel is greatly reduced, the ability of carrying granite and other sand gravel is weakened, and the development speed of the tunnel is accelerated gradually. The distribution of mechanical sediments in the tunnel also reflects the strength of the dynamic conditions of the underground river in different periods and then it can be pushed forward. The development and evolution of.7. Wanhua cave in the development stage of the broken main tunnel and the branch tunnel are greatly influenced by the development and evolution of the underground river. Both the erosion and erosion landscape and the secondary sedimentary landscape are more developed in the lower reaches of the modern main tunnel and the branch tunnel. The distribution of the landscape value is closely related to the fracture structure in the tunnel and the exogenous water, which is closely related to the.8.. At the present stage, the sustainable development of Wanhua rock cave tourism should be as follows: maintaining the stability of the cave structure, observing the internal fracture structure of the cave regularly, strengthening the management of the scenic spots, avoiding the destruction of the human factors to the cave resources, writing the popular popular tour guide words with personal characteristics, and transforming the traditional hole and point ornamental explanation model into the explanation of the participatory knowledge of the science popularization Model. In short, in the cave environment within the capacity, to effectively protect the cave resources, the Yan million cave tourism in the traditional mode to the sustainable development of Science in the pattern.


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