

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-20 16:15

  本文選題:國家海域所有權(quán) + 公物 ; 參考:《海南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:All the sea areas in the territory of our country are owned by the state. From the point of view of the main body of use, the right to use the sea area is divided into two types: "public" and "private". From the angle of "public property", this paper classifies the types of public property and private property in the sea area, defines which part belongs to the category of public property and applies public law to regulate it, and puts forward specific countermeasures to the use of public property in the sea area. The paper is divided into several parts: the first part is the basic theoretical analysis of public property. Through the introduction of the basic theory of public property in France, Germany, Japan and the United States, the basic concept and connotation of public property are introduced, and the classification and use of public property are introduced, which provides theoretical guidance for the use of public property in the sea area of our country. The second part is the attribute of the sea area and its contents in the existing legal norms of our country. Based on the Law on the Administration of Sea area use, this paper clarifies the regulations on who owns the sea area, how to use it, and how to obtain the right to use it. At the same time, it is pointed out that there is no distinction between public property and private property. The third part is the determination of the public property sea area. Based on the basic theory of public property and the description of public property sea area in our country, this paper sums up several types of public property sea area according to the use of public property sea area that often appears in practice. Including the exemption mentioned in the existing law, the type of sea used to reduce the amount of money used in the sea area, the public use of the sea and the non-exclusive use of the sea, as well as the customary use of the sea which should be regarded as public property, not mentioned in the existing legal norms, The public landscape uses the sea and the ecology uses the sea. The fourth part is the perfection of the system of the concrete use of the public property sea area. Through analyzing the present situation of several types of public property sea area, the paper puts forward some concrete measures to improve it. Customary use of the sea should give priority to the protection of the rights and interests of the people using the sea, and the main body of charges for the public landscape should be the National people's Congress, and the determination of the standard of charges for the use of the sea for the public landscape should follow the hearing procedure and strengthen the supervision over the ecological use of the sea. Perfecting the concrete procedure of public participation, giving the public the right to participate in the management of public property, the establishment of ecological compensation system will greatly stimulate the construction of ecological environment in the sea area.


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