

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-20 15:49

  本文選題:景觀變化 + 景觀服務 ; 參考:《浙江大學》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:額濟納綠洲位于我國西北干旱內(nèi)流區(qū)黑河流域下游,是西北干旱地區(qū)的重要生態(tài)防線。上個世紀60年代以來,黑河中游用水過度,使得黑河下游水量銳減,從而使得額濟納綠洲面臨一系列生態(tài)環(huán)境問題。2001年開始對黑河流域啟動分水工程,以改善額濟納綠洲的生態(tài)環(huán)境。本文以額濟納綠洲核心區(qū)為研究對象,以研究區(qū)2001年和2014年遙感影像為數(shù)據(jù)源,運用ENVI 4.7軟件進行遙感解譯,獲得兩期景觀類型圖,在此基礎(chǔ)上借助景觀類型動態(tài)度和景觀類型轉(zhuǎn)移矩陣分析了自2001年流域分水至2014年額濟納綠洲核心區(qū)的景觀空間變化;然后利用InVEST模型和景觀服務定量指標法完成固碳服務、防風固沙服務和生境服務的評估與制圖,在此基礎(chǔ)上分析其時空變化,以期拓展額濟納綠洲景觀恢復的評估視角,并為干旱區(qū)資源的合理利用提供科學依據(jù)。主要結(jié)論如下:(1)研究區(qū)景觀類型主要包括河岸帶植被(河岸喬灌林和河岸灌草林)荒漠植被(荒漠稀疏灌叢和荒漠稀疏草原)、水域、城鎮(zhèn)及人工建筑和其他類型(戈壁灘、沙地、鹽堿地等)。2001年至2014年,河岸帶植被、荒漠植被、水域和城鎮(zhèn)及人工建筑的面積均有不同程度的增加,其中河岸帶植被面積增加最多,水域面積增加最快,唯有其他類型面積發(fā)生大量減少。研究區(qū)河岸帶植被和荒漠植被彼此之間的相互轉(zhuǎn)化面積較大;荒漠植被和其他類型這兩種景觀類型對水域的面積轉(zhuǎn)入貢獻率比較大;研究區(qū)內(nèi)其他類型向河岸帶植被、荒漠植被、水域和城鎮(zhèn)及人工建筑的轉(zhuǎn)入面積均較大。(2)2014年研究區(qū)綠洲景觀固碳總量和防風固沙總量分別較2001年增加了1.022×106t和1.239×106t,四種植被的碳儲量和防風固沙量均有所增加,其中,河岸喬灌林和河岸灌草林的增加量最多;高值碳儲量區(qū)域和高值防風固沙量區(qū)域主要分布在研究區(qū)中部,且2014年的高值區(qū)域更多。碳儲量和防風固沙量具有明顯的河流廊道效應,即距離河道越遠,碳儲量和防風固沙量越小,且河流東岸碳儲量和防風固沙量大于河流西岸。(3)綠洲景觀生境服務主要集中在研究區(qū)中部,且呈現(xiàn)由中心向外圍遞減的梯度變化特征,2014年研究區(qū)景觀生境服務高分值區(qū)域較2001年有所增加。(4)2001年和2014年三種景觀服務的綜合供給熱點主要集中在研究區(qū)中部,且2014年中部高值分布區(qū)較2001年更為密集。各植被景觀對不同景觀服務的供給平均值(供給貢獻)各有不同,但河岸帶植被對三種景觀服務的貢獻較大,而荒漠植被的貢獻則相對較小
[Abstract]:Ejina oasis is located in the lower reaches of Heihe River basin in northwest arid area of China, which is an important ecological defense line in arid area of northwest China. Since the 1960s, the excessive use of water in the middle reaches of the Heihe River has drastically reduced the amount of water in the lower reaches of the Heihe River, thus making the Ejina Oasis face a series of ecological and environmental problems. In order to improve the ecological environment of Ejina oasis. Taking the core area of Ejina Oasis as the research object and remote sensing images of 2001 and 2014 as data sources, this paper uses ENVI 4.7 software to interpret the two periods of landscape type map. Based on this, the landscape spatial changes in the core area of Ejina oasis from 2001 to 2014 were analyzed with the help of landscape type attitude and landscape type transfer matrix, and then carbon sequestration services were completed by InVEST model and landscape service quantitative index method. Based on the assessment and mapping of windbreak and sand fixation service and habitat service, the temporal and spatial changes of Ejina oasis landscape restoration are analyzed in order to expand the evaluation perspective of Ejina oasis landscape restoration, and to provide scientific basis for rational utilization of resources in arid area. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the main landscape types of the study area include riparian vegetation (riparian Arbor shrub and riparian shrub forest) desert vegetation (desert sparse shrub and desert sparse steppe), water area, towns and artificial buildings, and other types (Gobi Desert). From 2001 to 2014, the areas of riparian vegetation, desert vegetation, water area, towns and artificial buildings all increased in varying degrees, among which the riparian vegetation area increased the most, and the water area increased fastest. Only other types of area have been significantly reduced. The intertransformation area between riparian vegetation and desert vegetation is relatively large; the contribution of desert vegetation and other landscape types to water area is relatively large; other types of riparian vegetation in the study area are to riparian zone vegetation. The total amount of carbon sequestration and the total amount of wind and sand fixation of oasis landscape in the study area increased by 1.022 脳 106 t and 1.239 脳 10 6 t respectively compared with 2001 in 2014, and the carbon storage and the amount of wind and sand fixation of the four kinds of vegetation increased, among which, the total amount of carbon sequestration and the total amount of wind and sand fixation of the oasis landscape in the study area in 2014 increased by 1.022 脳 106 t and 1.239 脳 10 6 t, respectively. The area of high value carbon storage and high value area of wind and sand fixation are mainly distributed in the middle of the study area, and the high value area of 2014 is more than that of 2014. The carbon storage and the amount of wind and sand fixation have obvious river corridor effect, that is, the farther away from the river, the smaller the carbon storage and the amount of wind and sand fixation. Moreover, the carbon storage and the amount of wind and sand fixation in the east bank of the river are larger than those in the west bank of the river. The oasis landscape habitat service is mainly concentrated in the central part of the study area. In 2014, the high score area of landscape habitat service in the study area increased compared with 2001. 4) the integrated supply hot spots of three landscape services in 2001 and 2014 were mainly concentrated in the middle of the study area. Moreover, the high value distribution area in the middle of 2014 is more dense than that in 2001. The average supply (contribution) of vegetation landscape to different landscape services is different, but the contribution of riparian vegetation to the three landscape services is greater, while the contribution of desert vegetation is relatively small.


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