

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-18 20:05

  本文選題:七曲山風景區(qū) + 景觀資源; 參考:《四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a place carrying Chinese natural landscape and historical and cultural relics, the scenic spot is an important part of the traditional cultural system, which combines the beauty of nature and the beauty of humanity perfectly. Taking the natural scenery and humanistic architecture as the main body, the classical and modern techniques of landscape creation are adopted to create a poetic and picturesque viewing and amusement space and a solemn and quiet space for prayer and worship. However, on the one hand, there is an imbalance in the development of landscape resources, and many resources are not effectively exploited and utilized, on the other hand, there are problems in the quality of landscape environment. It is difficult to give full play to its landscaping function and recreation function. Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the construction of the visual quality of landscape, especially how to optimize and improve the visual quality of the landscape at the same time of protecting the landscape resources. And how to scientifically and reasonably evaluate the visual quality of a landscape will become the most important link in the protection, development and construction of resources. Based on the related theories of landscape evaluation, landscape aesthetics, visual perception and so on, this paper puts forward the concept of landscape visual evaluation, and brings the visual characteristics of landscape into full play, and integrates the user's visual perception of landscape into the evaluation process. Based on this characteristic, through theoretical research, method discussion, and combining with SD evaluation method to establish the landscape visual evaluation system of scenic spot, and select the actual case-Qiqu Mountain scenic spot, take the natural landscape and human landscape resources of scenic spot as the research object. After deeply understanding the nature of the scenic area and the characteristics of the landscape resources, using the landscape visual evaluation system of the scenic area, the SD adjective pair and the evaluation scale for the evaluation of the landscape visual resources of the scenic spot are selected. Through the way of questionnaire survey to the landscape sample of each item factor score, finally according to the data analysis to Qiqu Mountain scenic spot landscape resources comprehensive evaluation, And get the following conclusion: 1) the comprehensive score of visual quality in natural landscape resources is: Fenghuanghu Tongjiang ancient Berlin Fenghuangshan; The comprehensive score of visual quality in the humanistic landscape resources was ranked as follows: the main factors influencing the visual evaluation of natural landscape were: color sense, vegetation coverage, vegetation diversity and factor richness. The main factors influencing the visual evaluation of human landscape are vegetation coverage, plant configuration, building image, space, artistic conception and color. Plant diversity and vegetation coverage have a positive correlation with the natural nature and vitality of the natural landscape, the softness and pleasure of the landscape perception, and the factor richness affects the sense of hierarchy, change and rhythm of the landscape. The vegetation cover degree is high and the variety is diverse, the construction element is rich, the color is rich, the light change is degree, the space opens and closes the natural landscape has the high visual quality. (4) the vegetation cover degree and the plant disposition to the humanities landscape softness, The sense of hierarchy and rhythm has positive correlation; the image of humanistic architecture affects the landscape environment atmosphere and artistic conception construction; the landscape with artistic conception has both aesthetic and attractive. Vegetation coverage is high, plant disposition is good, humanistic building image is quaint, simple, solemn, temple garden space is quiet and beautiful, the humanistic landscape of view pavilion is open and has high visual quality.


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