

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 22:07

  本文選題:佛山 + 基塘 ; 參考:《東華理工大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:基塘是珠三角地區(qū)人們利用當(dāng)?shù)睾恿鳑_擊和水網(wǎng)密布的自然條件而創(chuàng)造的一種獨有的土地利用方式,而佛山市是傳統(tǒng)基塘的發(fā)源地,在高速城市化和經(jīng)濟(jì)快速發(fā)展的背景下,以基塘為研究對象,以佛山市為研究區(qū)域,以景觀生態(tài)學(xué)的理論為研究基礎(chǔ)理論,利用遙感技術(shù)和地理信息系統(tǒng),對佛山市基塘景觀破碎化的現(xiàn)狀、動態(tài)變化過程及其驅(qū)動力進(jìn)行分析,并利用CA模擬對基塘的變化進(jìn)行模擬,為該區(qū)域生態(tài)服務(wù)功能的延續(xù)、農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的恢復(fù)和區(qū)域生態(tài)經(jīng)濟(jì)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展提供參考,進(jìn)而提出該區(qū)域基塘景觀格局優(yōu)化的措施。研究以佛山基塘Landsat TM影像和2011年的Quickbird衛(wèi)星遙感數(shù)據(jù)為基礎(chǔ)資料,結(jié)合佛山市統(tǒng)計年鑒,借助ERDADS軟件軟件對遙感數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行解譯,利用ARCGIS平臺整合出佛山1990、2000、2011年的土地利用現(xiàn)狀圖,作為分析的基礎(chǔ)資料,把地類分為6大類,建設(shè)景觀基塘景觀破碎化評價指標(biāo)體系,利用ARCGIS和Fragstats3.3軟件,進(jìn)行研究區(qū)域景觀破碎化評價,應(yīng)用spss軟件的回歸分析,進(jìn)一步對基塘景觀破碎化的驅(qū)動機制進(jìn)行分析。在此基礎(chǔ)上,利用Geo SOS軟件對整個地區(qū)的1990~2020年的土地利用變化情況進(jìn)行模擬,從而為今后的規(guī)劃設(shè)置提供思路。結(jié)果表明:(1)1990-2011年,佛山市基塘面積呈現(xiàn)先增長再減少趨勢,1990年的面積是101351.11hm2,2000年是103823.49 hm2,2011年是76308.81 hm2。(2)1990年和2000年基塘的重心都落在順德區(qū),但2000基塘的重心向北方偏移,2011年變化較大,基塘的重心落在三水區(qū)。南海區(qū)、禪城區(qū)和順德區(qū)的主要景觀類型都由耕地變成了建設(shè)用地。(3)從佛山市土地利用類型轉(zhuǎn)移矩陣可以看出,1990-2000年,佛山市基塘和耕地主要流向建設(shè)用地,耕地有一部分向基塘轉(zhuǎn)移,建設(shè)用地轉(zhuǎn)移量較小;亮魅朊娣e最大的是耕地,建設(shè)用地的主要流入面積來源是基塘、耕地和林地。(4)1990年和2011年,各地類破碎度都加劇,其中建設(shè)用地的破碎化程度最高,林地在該區(qū)域呈現(xiàn)出集中連片的分布狀況,耕地斑塊的形狀復(fù)雜程度高,邊緣密度最大的為耕地,表明耕地受到人為影響較大,平均最近鄰近距離最大的為耕地,表明耕地斑塊間距離較遠(yuǎn)。(5)佛山市基塘景觀破碎化程度呈現(xiàn)出明顯的區(qū)域差異,分區(qū)域看,三水區(qū)、南海區(qū)、禪城區(qū)、順德區(qū)和高明區(qū)的破碎度與佛山市整體破碎度趨于一致,其中順德區(qū)和高明區(qū)的破碎度最小,為0.001,禪城區(qū)的破碎度最大為0.008;2011年三水區(qū)、南海區(qū)、禪城區(qū)、順德區(qū)和高明區(qū)的破碎度都增大了10倍左右,其中南海區(qū)的破碎度最小,為0.01,破碎度最大的區(qū)是高明區(qū),是0.07.(6)在城鎮(zhèn)化、工業(yè)化的大背景下,對基塘的完整性和集中連片分布產(chǎn)生一定的影響,導(dǎo)致基塘的破碎化,還有在農(nóng)民比較利益的雙重影響下,導(dǎo)致基塘破碎化的產(chǎn)生。對佛山市基于交通網(wǎng)絡(luò)和城市的緩沖區(qū)分析,可以看出在順德區(qū)、南海區(qū)和禪城區(qū)三個地區(qū),受到城市、鐵路和公路的輻射效應(yīng)較強,因此這些地區(qū)的基塘變化也較為劇烈。(7)用CA模型對基塘景觀進(jìn)行模擬,結(jié)果顯示2020年基塘面積為44589.39hm2,基塘面積比2011年減少了15.27%;涟邏K數(shù)量增加為5924個,平均斑塊面積比上年增加了87.28%,形狀指數(shù)減少了9.76%,邊緣密度減少了16.18%,平均最近鄰近距離增加了214%?傮w上看,基塘斑塊2020年比2011年破碎度減弱。(8)綜上可得出基塘可持續(xù)利用對策:合理實施土地規(guī)劃,重點保護(hù)基塘景觀;加強基塘環(huán)境監(jiān)測,控制生態(tài)環(huán)境;加強配套設(shè)施的改造建設(shè),確;量沙掷m(xù)發(fā)展;優(yōu)化基塘景觀格局,完善濕地生態(tài)服務(wù)功能。
[Abstract]:The base pond is a unique land use mode created by people in the Pearl River Delta area using the natural conditions of the impact of the local rivers and the dense water network. Foshan is the origin of the traditional base pond. Under the background of high speed urbanization and rapid economic development, the base pond is the research object, and the Foshan city is the research area, and the landscape ecology is used. In order to study the basic theory and use remote sensing technology and geographic information system, this paper analyzes the present situation of landscape fragmentation in Foshan City, the dynamic change process and its driving force, and simulates the changes of the base pond by CA simulation, which is the continuation of the ecological service function of the region, the restoration of the agricultural ecosystem and the sustainable development of the regional ecological economy. Further development provides reference, and then puts forward the measures to optimize the landscape pattern of the base pond in this region. Based on the Landsat TM image of the Foshan base pond and the data of the 2011 Quickbird satellite remote sensing data, combined with the Foshan statistical yearbook, the remote sensing data is interpreted with the aid of the software software of the ERDADS software, and the ARCGIS platform is used to integrate the Foshan 199020002011. As the basic data of the analysis, the land use status map is divided into 6 major categories, and the landscape fragmentation evaluation index system is constructed. ARCGIS and Fragstats3.3 software are used to evaluate the fragmentation of the landscape, and the regression analysis of SPSS software is used to analyze the driving mechanism of the landscape fragmentation of the base pond. On this basis, Geo SOS software is used to simulate the land use change of the whole region for 1990~2020 years, thus providing ideas for future planning. The results show that: (1) 1990-2011 years, the base area of Foshan city shows a first increase and then decrease trend, the area of 1990 is 101351.11hm22000 year is 103823.49 hm22011 year is 7630. 8.81 hm2. (2) hm2. (2) in 1990 and 2000, the center of the base of the base fell in the Shunde District, but the center of gravity of the 2000 base pool shifted from the north to the north in 2011, and the center of the base of the base fell in the three water area. The main landscape types in the South China Sea, Chancheng and Shunde were transformed from cultivated land to construction land. (3) 199 from the land use transfer matrix of Foshan, 199 0-2000 years, Foshan city base pond and cultivated land mainly flow to the construction land, some of the cultivated land transfer to the base pond, the construction land transfer is small. The largest inflow area of the base pond is cultivated land, the main inflow area of the construction land is the base pond, the cultivated land and the woodland. (4) in 1990 and 2011, the fragmentation of all kinds of land is aggravated, of which the construction land is broken. The degree of forest in the area is the highest, the distribution of concentrated patches in the area, the complexity of the shape of the plough patches is high, the maximum density of the edge is arable land, which indicates that the cultivated land is influenced greatly by human, the average nearest neighbour distance is the largest arable land, which indicates that the patch spacing is far away. (5) the fragmentation degree of the base pond in Foshan shows the degree of fragmentation. There are obvious regional differences. The fragmentation of the Sanshui District, the South China Sea area, the Chancheng District, the Shunde district and the Gaoming District is consistent with the overall fragmentation of Foshan, among which the fragmentation degree of Shunde and Gaoming areas is the smallest, 0.001 and 0.008 in Chancheng, and the breakup in the three water areas, the South China Sea area, Chancheng area, Shunde and Gaoming areas in the three water areas in 2011. The degree is increased by about 10 times, of which the South China Sea area has the smallest breakage, 0.01, the most broken area is the bright area. It is 0.07. (6) in the urbanization and industrialization, which has a certain influence on the integrity and centralized distribution of the base pond, resulting in the breakage of the base pond, and the basic pond under the dual influence of the farmers' comparative interests, leading to the base pond. Based on the traffic network and the city's buffer zone analysis in Foshan, it can be seen that the three regions in Shunde, Nanhai and Chancheng areas have strong radiation effects from cities, railways and highways, so the basic pond changes in these areas are also more intense. (7) the CA model is used to simulate the landscape of the base pond, and the results show the base of the 2020 base. The area of the pond is 44589.39hm2. The area of the base pond is 5924 less than that of the 15.27%. base pond in 2011. The average patch area has increased by 87.28%, the shape index decreased by 9.76%, the edge density decreased by 16.18%, the average nearest neighbour distance increased by 214%., and the base pond patch in 2020 was weaker than that in 2011. (8) fully mechanized. The Countermeasures of sustainable utilization of the basic pond can be obtained: the rational implementation of the land planning, the protection of the landscape of the base pond, the strengthening of the environment monitoring of the base pond, the control of the ecological environment, the strengthening of the reconstruction and construction of the supporting facilities, the sustainable development of the base pond, the optimization of the landscape pattern of the base pond, and the perfection of the ecological service function of the wetland.


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