

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 22:05

  本文選題:融媒時代 + 播音與主持藝術(shù)專業(yè)。 參考:《華中科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This is an era of media convergence, media environment changes with each passing day, media competition cloud strange. Digital technology, network technology is constantly innovating 4G communication technology, a large number of audio-visual new media attracted a large number of users, traditional media also rely on new media to spread high-quality content on the wings. Comprehensive website host, "network bundling" type host, mobile TV show host, from the media podcast? The moderating communication of the media era has more and more new forms of expression. The audio-visual programs in the media era have put forward higher requirements for broadcasters because of their nonlinear, pluralistic, interactive and individualized communication characteristics, which are manifested in the following aspects: good oral improvisation, strong ability of instant interaction, etc. Deep professional knowledge, complete media creation skills, individual brand color and other characteristics and requirements. After more than 50 years of development, the broadcasting and hosting professional education in China presents many contradictions. This paper analyzes the present situation of talents training in this major from six aspects: historical evolution, subject orientation, enrollment scale, training goal, curriculum setting and teaching methods, and combines the current media environment, the characteristics and requirements of conducting communication talents. It is pointed out that the imbalance between the supply of talents and the demand of the profession, the mismatch between the professional scale and the teaching resources, the unconformity between the target orientation and the development of the times, and the unconformity between the ability training and the requirement of the profession are exposed in the development of the times. In view of the above contradictions, the author analyzes the current information dissemination environment and characteristics, draws lessons from the experience of foreign and Taiwan oral communication, and synthesizes the experience of famous domestic hosts. This paper puts forward the reform direction of broadcasting and managing the talents of art major in the era of media fusion. First, make clear the discipline orientation train of thought. From the perspective of communication and art, this paper combines the three theories of Chinese broadcasting, communication and speech communication to carry out the subject orientation and construction; secondly, to broaden the professional training pattern. From the traditional radio and television as the main training goal, to the integration of the media as the main body of the transformation. Third, change the concept of talent training. From focusing on the traditional broadcasting creative ability, to cultivate the all-round content production ability. Fourth, perfect the course teaching link. Guided by the requirements of the times, five teaching links are constructed: the cultivation of professional culture, the cultivation of media quality, the cultivation of sound language, the cultivation of applied skills, and the opening up of practical training.


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