

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-18 01:24

  本文選題:居住區(qū) + 兒童; 參考:《長安大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Children are the most important users of outdoor landscape in residential areas, but they are often the most neglected groups. Many outdoor facilities or space environment not only do not promote the healthy development of children, but also limit their potential, and even cause a lot of safety risks. Based on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of children, this paper analyzes the present situation and development trend of children's activity space at home and abroad, and makes a field study of many residential areas. It is found that there are some problems in children's activity space in present residential area, such as unreasonable site planning, single functional structure, simple play facilities, serious lack of attraction, no characteristic of plant planting, no theme, no interest, no guarantee of activity safety, etc. Through the methods of literature research, field observation, interview investigation, comprehensive analysis and so on, the related concepts of children's outdoor activity space landscape, the relationship between children and activity space, and children's psychology, urban planning, architecture, etc. The discussion on children's outdoor activities in landscape architecture and other subjects is studied in detail. Combined with the first-hand data obtained from the investigation, a set of more practical and effective research ideas and design methods are summarized: through the overall environment of residential areas, including topography, sunshine, wind direction, architectural layout, To determine the location and size of children's venues, such as road systems, to ensure accessibility and activity comfort; to create a thematic atmosphere for children's venues by designing roads, borders, regions, nodes and markers, To increase the sense of domain and security of children's activities; to better cater to the needs of children's activities through color design and scale design, to exercise memory, imagination and creativity; to create activities through traditional activities, sports activities, and creative activities, The exploitation of adventure and nature activities enriches the content of children's activities, improves the fun and safety of children's outdoor activities through the detailed design of children's play equipment, sandpit, water body, sculpture and shelter facilities, convenience facilities, etc. Through the choice of outdoor activity space plants, the reasonable combination of plants to improve the interaction between plants and children, to create a site theme, to enhance the characteristics and interest of the site, through the residential entrance, roadway and walking road, parking lot, Safety suggestions for ground surfacing, building periphery, adult activity area, waterscape system, outdoor electrical facilities to ensure the overall safety of residential areas and to avoid danger to children outside the dedicated activity area. Finally, taking a residential district in Changchun as an example, the theory is put into practice and the feasibility of the design method is further explored.


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