

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 05:25

  本文選題:新型農(nóng)村社區(qū) + 旅居一體化。 參考:《四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Tourism development and urbanization construction are two hot topics and two important aspects of social and economic development in our country at the present stage. Its main purpose is to combine tourism development with urbanization construction, coordinate with each other, and jointly promote social and economic development. The new rural community belongs to the end of the urban system, is an important part of urbanization, is a realistic choice to realize the local urbanization of farmers, and is also an inevitable choice to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas and to solve the problems of "three rural areas". In recent years, the development of domestic tourism continues to heat up, rural tourism and other new forms of tourism to promote the transformation of rural economy and farmers to get rich, is an important way to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, and resolve the contradiction between economic development and ecological protection. Promoting the development of new rural communities through tourism industry, or looking at tourism from the perspective of the development of new rural communities, is a new research perspective, based on this, This paper takes the new rural community of sojourn integration formed by the combination of the two as the research object. Wenjiang District of Chengdu has the natural advantage of developing tourism. In recent years, it has actively explored the new path of local urbanization of farmers guided by ecotourism industry, and has initially formed a new pattern of "sojourn integration" new rural community development. Based on the background, content, method, technical route and theoretical basis of the research, this paper begins with the development of the new rural community of "sojourn integration" in Wenjiang district. This paper analyzes the general situation and degree of the development of the new-type rural community of "sojourn integration" in Wenjiang district, and finds out that the new-type rural community of "sojourn integration" in Wenjiang district is constructing in community, infrastructure and environment. Public service and other aspects have achieved development results, but the overall Wenjiang "sojourn integration" new rural community development level is not high. Secondly, based on the questionnaire survey of the Richter scale, using SPSS software to process the data, and using the principal component method of factor analysis to summarize and analyze the factors affecting the development of the new type of rural community of "sojourn integration" in Wenjiang district. The results show that environmental factors, policy factors, landscape factors, concept factors and economic factors are the main factors that affect the development of the new rural community of "sojourn integration" in Wenjiang district. Then, this paper analyzes the problems and causes of Wenjiang's development in the new rural community of "sojourn integration". These problems mainly include the deviation of some policy implementing bodies to promote the concept of community development. The degree of community participation in community development is low, and the contradiction between capital and planning land is prominent. Finally, This paper puts forward the countermeasures of optimizing the development of "sojourn integration" new rural community in Wenjiang District: 1) further improving the development cognition of "sojourn-body" new-type rural community (2) giving full play to the main role of community residents and strengthening tourism. Development and New Rural Community Land use Planning, (4) strengthen the consciousness of resource and environment protection and realize sustainable development.


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