

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 20:26

  本文選題:土地稀缺 + 山地公園; 參考:《魯迅美術(shù)學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper expounds some contents and opinions about the development of mountain parks in China. From the cross-angle of art and theory, with the viewpoint of dynamic development and change, this paper comprehensively discusses that mountain parks are in accordance with the ecological, scientific and technological characteristics. The concept of environmental protection and human blending on the basis of mutual coordination and change. With the progress of the times and the rapid development of China's economy, urban land is developing arbitrarily with real estate and commercial land, resulting in the increasing scarcity of land in the city, and the decrease of outdoor public space and parks and other supporting facilities. Therefore, the development and planning of mountain parks has become one of the solutions, the rational use of land resources has also laid the foundation for the development of the park, through the value orientation of public satisfaction, This paper probes into the principles and methods of landscape design from the angle of people-oriented, relying on the original terrain such as mountains, hills and rivers, following the nature, constructing mountain parks in the city according to the ecological characteristics of the original mountains, and providing people with a place for leisure and relaxation. The ecological civilization concept of respecting nature, conforming to nature and protecting nature must be established while planning mountain parks. For the mountainous and hilly regions of our country, the geographical environment is complex and changeable. Based on the analysis and research of some mountain parks that have been built at home and abroad, the development and construction of this kind of ecological parks are tried to make the mountain parks in the traditional greening landscape. Through the combination of the ecology of the mountain itself and the modern design idea, the mountain park can be made into an ecologically dense mountain park, so that the function, aesthetics, interactivity and participation of the mountain park can be brought into full play to satisfy the culture and leisure. Needs such as tourism and recreation. In order to ensure the function and spiritual and cultural needs, we should also consider the integration of human design, people in different environments to adapt to the survival habits, The characteristics of culture and physiological structure are analyzed and studied. A superior public space can give people the freedom of communication, the convenience of activities, but also can give people in the landscape design as much as possible to meet and meet the needs of users, Place them in the park landscape to get the best use experience and satisfaction. Mountain park itself is a "humanized" public space from the consideration and satisfaction of people's needs for activities as well as people's spiritual needs. Make people, buildings, public landscape facilities, cities and the heart of human life related to the social environment to live in harmony.


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