

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 18:50

  本文選題:景觀規(guī)劃 + SketchUp ; 參考:《西安科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As an important application field of virtual simulation technology, virtual 3D landscape planning has great application value and development space. The establishment of virtual 3D landscape planning model and scene can truly reflect the scientificity and rationality of planning, which has positive significance for planning designers and users to communicate and modify the planning. This paper selects SketchUpup 3dsMax as modeling and texture mapping software, and combines VR-Platform as development platform to design and implement a virtual 3D landscape planning demonstration system based on Heiwei River Wetland Park. In the production of virtual 3D landscape planning, it will mainly focus on three dimensional terrain, three dimensional landscape model, model optimization, virtual 3D landscape planning roaming system generation four aspects: 1) after the detailed study of ArcGIS-SketchUp modeling method and 3dsMax mapping method, Using ArcGIS and SketchUp to build 3D terrain, using bitmap mapping method and UVW mapping coordinate in 3dsMax to map 3D terrain model. Through comparing many kinds of 3D modeling software, SketchUp is selected to make 3D landscape model, and hand-drawn line is used. Polygon modeling method, completed the landscape sketch modeling, through surface leveling, push-pull tools, completed the road, rivers, buildings and other three-dimensional landscape model making, Combining 3D landscape model with 3D terrain, this paper studies the optimization method of 3D model, optimizes the model from three aspects of reducing the number of models, reducing the number of model surfaces and optimizing the map, and carries out texture mapping and baking through 3dsMax. The virtual 3D landscape planning scene is built by using VR-Platform platform, the roaming function is realized by making camera and adding collision detection, and the information query can be realized by connecting the database. By adding music, special effects and so on, the observer has a sense of immersion in roaming. The virtual 3D landscape planning model and scene established in this paper are realistic, and the scene demonstration speed is faster, so the planners and decision makers can observe the planning and design scheme more intuitively. Help planners and decision makers to clearly confirm the rationality of the program, improve the rationality of planning, scientific.


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