

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-11 15:50

  本文選題:生態(tài)保護(hù)紅線 + 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)服務(wù)功能重要性; 參考:《太原理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The ecosystem provides the necessary material basis for the survival and development of human beings, which can realize the balance of material and energy, and play an important role in maintaining the sustainable development of human society. However, due to the unreasonable exploitation and utilization of resources for a long time, the social and economic development is at the cost of ecological environment destruction, the decrease of cultivated land, the rise of global temperature, the decline of ecosystem service function, and the frequent occurrence of all kinds of environmental problems. Seriously endanger the survival and development of mankind. Therefore, how to rationally draw the red line of ecological protection, construct ecological security pattern, give full play to the function of ecosystem service, and promote the harmonious development of economy and nature become one of the problems to be solved urgently. It has also become one of the research hotspots in the field of ecological science. At present, the red line delineation of ecological protection in our country is still in the initial stage, the related research is very limited, the theory method is still not perfect, therefore, it has very important scientific value and practical significance to carry on the scientific research to the ecological protection red line delineation method. Based on ecological theory, anti-planning theory, landscape pattern theory and sustainable theory, this study selects Jincheng city of Shanxi Province as the research carrier, and establishes the technical route with the thought of system engineering. The evaluation index system and evaluation unit of ecological protection importance are constructed. By using 3s technology, grid technology, spatial interpolation technology and superposition analysis method, ecological conservation importance assessment is carried out according to the importance level of ecological protection red line delineation. The method of red line delineation of ecological protection has been obtained, which has theoretical guiding value for other cities and regions, and can also be used as the basis for the study of regional ecological protection and management, which is of certain practical significance. The main research results are as follows: (1) Analysis of the characteristics of regional ecological environment: investigation and analysis of the regional natural environment and ecological protection status, location and identification of a total of 14 special important protected areas, through image correction, band information fusion, The methods of image enhancement and clipping are used for remote sensing interpretation and data re-classification, and the present situation of regional land use and vegetation coverage are evaluated and analyzed. (2) importance assessment of ecological protection: using the idea of hierarchical progressive analysis, comparing the influence degree of index factors, analyzing the selection of rainfall erosivity, The importance of water conservation, soil and water conservation, biodiversity conservation, water conservation, and biodiversity conservation were established. Four assessment models of soil and water loss sensitivity were used to evaluate the importance of ecological protection by using spatial interpolation, superposition analysis and the combination of single factor and multiple factors. The evaluation results are basically consistent with the actual ecological differentiation law of the study area, and the evaluation results are reasonable and reliable. 3) the red line of ecological protection is delineated: based on the results of the assessment of the importance of ecological protection, According to the importance level of service function and the sensitivity of ecological environment, the red line of ecological protection in the study area was determined by the method of spatial superposition analysis using geographic information technology. The total area of ecological protection red line is 3466.20km2, which accounts for 36.5. it is mainly distributed in Yangcheng County, Zezhou County, Lingchuan County and Qinshui County. The method is reasonable and feasible. It can be used in the delineation of the red line of ecological protection in other cities. (4) establish the three-dimensional management and control system: based on the idea of division, classification and classification, construct the three-dimensional management and control system of ecological protection red line in the study area, and put forward the concrete control measures. Control measures are practical and can provide some reference for local management to establish control measures.


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