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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-17 02:42
【摘要】:“80后”長篇小說創(chuàng)作是中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)發(fā)展到新世紀(jì)以來的一種重要的創(chuàng)作現(xiàn)象。在十幾年的創(chuàng)作、發(fā)展過程中,出現(xiàn)了韓寒、郭敬明、張悅?cè)、笛安、顏歌、林培源、甫躍輝、鄭小驢、孫頻、馬金蓮等多位小說家,產(chǎn)生了青春寫作、商業(yè)寫作、嚴(yán)肅文學(xué)寫作等多種小說創(chuàng)作類型。“80后”長篇小說數(shù)量較大,風(fēng)格多樣,十幾年來一直受到評論界的關(guān)注!80后”長篇小說是新世紀(jì)文學(xué)的一股重要創(chuàng)作力量,對其進(jìn)行分析和研究既具有接續(xù)中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)史的意義,也是當(dāng)代文學(xué)研究者的使命。本論文即以“80后”長篇小說為研究對象,采用文本細(xì)讀的方法,結(jié)合一定的文藝?yán)碚摵蜕鐣䦟W(xué)研究數(shù)據(jù),對“80后”長篇小說文本進(jìn)行了解讀。 本論文主體部分分為五章。第一章從“80后”長篇小說產(chǎn)生背景分析入手,分別研究了“80后”長篇小說產(chǎn)生的社會、時代背景,文學(xué)生產(chǎn)背景和文化語境背景,指出“80后”長篇小說產(chǎn)生于變革的背景之中。第二章分析了“80后”長篇小說以青春寫作出場的方式和主要創(chuàng)作流變,即從青春寫作到商業(yè)化寫作,從商業(yè)化寫作再到嚴(yán)肅文學(xué)寫作的三個階段與兩次轉(zhuǎn)型。第三章主要闡釋了“80后”長篇小說中人物形象自我主體凸顯的突出特點,分析了人物形象自我主體凸顯的理論含義,指明了形象自我主體凸顯的三種表達(dá)方式,并對這種相對于“大我”而言的“自我”主體凸顯進(jìn)行了創(chuàng)作反思。第四章從成長、歷史和現(xiàn)實困境三個方面分析了“80后”長篇小說多樣化的敘事主題。第五章主要分析“80后”長篇小說的藝術(shù)特色,從藝術(shù)形式、回憶性敘事和影像化敘事等角度探究“80后”長篇小說在藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)方式上呈現(xiàn)出的獨特審美特質(zhì)。論文最后的結(jié)語部分,對“80后”長篇小說提供的獨特審美價值和存在的創(chuàng)作局限進(jìn)行了簡單的總結(jié)。 本論文在研究對象中收錄了最新的“80后”長篇小說,同時關(guān)注到了幾位近年來剛剛被文壇關(guān)注的青年作家,從總體上對“80后”長篇小說的創(chuàng)作流變和審美特質(zhì)進(jìn)行了分析,既有文本內(nèi)部的創(chuàng)作主題、藝術(shù)特色等方面的研究,也有從文學(xué)外部對“80后”長篇小說創(chuàng)作背景的研究。在研究對象上,突破了以往研究中單純以青春寫作或嚴(yán)肅文學(xué)寫作為研究對象的局限;在研究方法上,突破了單純文學(xué)研究的路徑,借鑒了社會學(xué)等學(xué)科的研究成果,實現(xiàn)了對“80后”長篇小說在代際視域下的整體性研究。
[Abstract]:The creation of novels after the 1980s is an important phenomenon in the development of Chinese contemporary literature into the new century. In the course of more than ten years of creation and development, many novelists, such as Han, Guo Jingming, Zhang Yuelan, Dei'an, Yan GE, Lin Peiyuan, Fu Yuehui, Zheng Xiaotou, Sun Fong, Ma Jinlian, and other novelists, have produced youth writing, business writing, etc. Serious literary writing and other types of novel creation. The "post-80s" novel is a large number of, diverse styles, has been the focus of critics for more than ten years. "after 80" novel is an important creative force in the new century literature. The analysis and research not only has the significance of following the history of Chinese contemporary literature, but also is the mission of contemporary literature researchers. In this paper, the "after 80s" novel as the object of study, using the method of text reading, combined with certain literature and art theory and sociological research data, the text of "after 80" novels were interpreted. The main part of this paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter begins with the analysis of the background of the generation of the novel, and studies the social, contemporary, literary and cultural background of the generation of the novel. It is pointed out that the novels of the post-80s are born in the background of change. In the second chapter, the author analyzes the appearance of the novel in the form of youth writing and its main creative changes, that is, the three stages and two transformations from youth writing to commercial writing, from commercialized writing to serious literary writing. The third chapter mainly explains the prominent characteristics of the main body of the character image in the novel "after 80", analyzes the theoretical meaning of the self-highlighting of the character image, and points out the three ways of expression of the self-subjectivity of the image. And this kind of "self" main body protruding in comparison with the "Big self" is reflected in creation. Chapter four analyzes the narrative themes of the novel from three aspects: growth, history and realistic predicament. The fifth chapter mainly analyzes the artistic characteristics of the "post-80s" novels, and explores the unique aesthetic characteristics of the "post-80s" novels in terms of artistic forms, reminiscent narration and image narration. The last part of the thesis summarizes the unique aesthetic value and the limitations of the novel. In this paper, the latest novels of "post-80s" have been collected in the research object, and several young writers who have been paid close attention to in recent years have been paid close attention to, and the evolution and aesthetic characteristics of "post-80s" novels have been analyzed as a whole. There are not only the internal theme and artistic characteristics of the text, but also the literary external research on the creation background of the post-80s novel. On the object of study, it breaks through the limitation of the previous research that only take the youth writing or the serious literature writing as the research object; In terms of research methods, it breaks through the path of pure literature research, draws lessons from the research results of sociology and other disciplines, and realizes the holistic study of "post-80s" novels from the perspective of intergenerational perspective.


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