

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-14 19:14
[Abstract]:During the Wei and Jin dynasties, the whole world was in chaos. More than 20 years of Cao Ma's struggle made many literati involved in the rapidly changing political situation. As the best of famous people at that time, it was difficult to be alone in the turbulent times. The seven of them have different choices of life. Ruan Ji has his own way of life. He does his own thing. Ji Kang is at ease in the mountains. He is also an official. The mountain waves are also official and hidden, floating in the world, showing their freedom, Wang Rong covetous, Liu Ling drunk, and Ruan Xian playing the harp. They are different and their records are different. In the process of accepting the scholars, the seven sages of bamboo forest gradually formed the collectivized artistic image. Their choice of life as an independent individual almost covered most of the models of the ancient intellectuals of our country. When they appeared as a group, they presented the image of the famous personages in Wei and Jin dynasties. As a famous literati group in ancient China, the fate, artistic creation and aesthetic realm of the seven sages of bamboo forest have deeply influenced the development of Chinese ancient literati's psychology and literary works. The seven sages were already famous in their lives. Their spirit, behavior, life, appearance and bearing were constantly admired and imitated by scholars of that time and later generations. Taking the seven sages of bamboo forest and their literary creation as the turning point, the scholars of later generations have created numerous literary works and literary criticism theories about the seven sages of bamboo forests. Different interpretations of the seven sages of bamboo forest in different periods reflect the appearance of scholars and literature in different ages. There are many theories in the history of ancient Chinese literature to explain the phenomenon of the former deeds and literary creation mentioned in literary works. There are different arguments and different opinions. From the perspective of reception aesthetics, the study of bamboo literature is centered on the recipient, studies the recipient's reception characteristics and literary re-creation, and endows the recipient with new significance and contemporary value. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, as the beginning of the seven sages of bamboo forest acceptance, the literary acceptance at that time established the important position and the concrete image of the bamboo forest seven sages in the ancient culture of our country. From the perspective of the receiver, combined with the modern reception theory and the history of Chinese ancient literature acceptance, this paper takes the time of the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern dynasties as the order, and discusses the main bamboo works and literary criticism in that period as the research object. It is of great significance to clarify the history and development of bamboo forest.


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