

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-11 21:37
[Abstract]:Creation style is a writer's long-term creative personality, and the overall artistic characteristics in his works. The writer's writing style not only reflects the writer's personality, but also represents the writer's overall aesthetic style. Zhang Chengzhi is a writer with a unique writing style in the history of contemporary literature. During his more than ten years of novel writing career, the regional and linguistic characteristics have always been his iconic style. Throughout the road of Zhang Chengzhi's novel creation, his writing style has always been to seek the same and preserve differences. "seeking for the same" lies in the embodiment of the overall style of Zhang Chengzhi's novel throughout his whole creation. "preserving differences" is a reflection of different periods, which results in the changes of Zhang Chengzhi's style of novel creation in the past and later periods. From the perspective of "Zhang Chengzhi's novel creation style", from the perspective of novel environment and language, with the help of text reading, induction and comparative analysis, this paper interprets the reasons for the formation of Zhang Chengzhi's novel creation style and the changes of its former and later style. In this way, the author explores the various aspects of the writer's novel style and the important influence of the creative personality on the style formation. This paper is divided into five parts: introduction, mainly introduces the origin of Zhang Chengzhi's novel writing style, expounds its research significance and value, and summarizes the current research situation of Zhang Chengzhi's novel creation style. The first chapter, the unique regional cultural characteristics. This paper mainly analyzes the regional culture in Zhang Chengzhi's novels, including Inner Mongolia grassland, Xinjiang and Loess Plateau. The second chapter is about the stylistic features of language. Abstract from the novel text different language stylistic features, have poetic narrative language, natural rough oral narrative and delicate psychological description, explore Zhang Chengzhi's use of different languages to create his unique novel creation style. The third chapter, the formation reason and the style change of the novel creation style. Based on the analysis of Zhang Chengzhi's life experience and attitude, this paper explains the reasons for the formation of his novel writing style and the changes of his novels' writing style in the past and later periods. Finally, as a conclusion, Zhang Chengzhi always regards "for the people" as the keynote of literary writing and the pursuit of the spiritual world as the writing goal, and his works are full of poetic feelings in describing reality. In the current society, through the study of Zhang Chengzhi's novel creation style, we can find the writer's novels that bring us the thought of facing the mind.


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