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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-05 15:11
[Abstract]:As one of the four major folklore in China, the story of "White Snake Biography" has survived for more than 800 years from the emergence of legends to the present day. The related literary works are even more numerous. Novels, quyi, Drama and many other literary styles have been performed in the story of the White Snake. The purpose of this paper is to classify and discuss the important works of White Snake Biography from the perspective of genre, and to study the different characteristics of the story of White Snake in terms of plot setting, character shaping and interesting orientation. The preface first elaborates the basis of selecting the topic, and then briefly combs the research status of the story of White Snake, explaining the purpose and significance of this study. The text is composed of the following four parts: the first part: the generation of the basic type of the story of the White Snake Biography. This part mainly discusses the development process of the story of White Snake from the bud to the formation of the basic type. Especially, as the story based type, the "White Niangzi Yongzhen Leifeng Tower" lays the foundation for the later development of the story of the White Snake in novels, quyi and drama. The second part: the story of White Snake in the novel. As desk literature, the novel receives many readers. This part combines the characteristics of the genre of the novel and the aesthetic taste of the reader to set up the story plot of the novel "White Snake Biography". The characteristics of character image and interesting orientation are analyzed. The third part: the story of White Snake in Quyi. Quyi is spoken language and auditory art. According to its own genre characteristics and audience's aesthetic needs, Quyi reprocessed the story of White Snake and strengthened its narrative description, portraying the characters in detail. The interesting orientation shows the characteristics of attaching importance to the audience's emotional needs, the plot of the story tends to secularization, the pursuit of sound and emotion, and the language is popular and vivid. The fourth part: the story of White Snake in the opera. Opera is the art of stage, through the actors sing, read, do, play the story of the White Snake vividly and intuitively to the audience. In combination with the characteristics of the genre of the opera, White Snake Drama deduces the story of the White Snake by dividing different eyes or scenes, and portrays the characters through the setting of the role, the rich stage performance, and so on, and the real character of the language in the interest orientation. The addition of gag, the attention of body performance and the setting of happy ending all show the characteristics of beautiful listening and beautiful appearance, which satisfy the aesthetic needs of the audience.


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2 本報(bào)記者 杜潔芳;白蛇傳傳說急需保護(hù)[N];中國文化報(bào);2011年

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5 吳曉梅;《新白蛇傳》:北京文化新景觀[N];中國旅游報(bào);2008年

6 葉明e,




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