

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-03 17:08
[Abstract]:Sou Shen Ji, a novel written by Jin people Gan Bao, has been circulating for more than 2300 years. For more than 2,000 years, although various factors, such as regime changes, natural disasters, and other factors, have led to the disorganization and incomplete content of the Sou Shen Ji, which we can see today, However, this does not affect the status of this famous chronicler in philology. Through the study and interpretation of the text of "Sou Shen Ji", we can analyze the ideological spirit and cultural concept of people in the Wei and Jin dynasties, such as the religious beliefs, the thoughts of gods and ghosts, the values and so on, as well as the water culture to be discussed in this paper. Of course, due to the serious loss of "Sou Shen Ji" in the course of its spread, after the Ming man Hu Yinglin was recompiled from his book, it was inevitable that he would lose the style of the original book and not fully represent the water culture of the Wei and Jin dynasties. However, as a work originally divided into the historical catalogue, we can not deny the significance of its cultural representative. This paper focuses on the text content of "Sou Shen Ji", from the angle of water culture, studies people's worship of natural water and cognition of all kinds of water gods in Wei and Jin dynasties. The cognition of aquatic organisms and the records of the waters at that time were used to analyze people's understanding of the overall water culture in Wei and Jin dynasties. The main body of the thesis is four chapters: the first chapter begins with the ancient worship of water, discusses all kinds of water gods that people believed in from ancient times to the Wei and Jin dynasties, and all kinds of methods of praying for Rain Water's coming, and also analyzes some relevant records of fairy warlocks. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of ancient tales of predicting good and evil or judging good and evil with the help of the mysterious power of water. In order to explore the Wei and Jin dynasties people's values. The third chapter mainly records the aquatic life and the related story of different gods in the Book of God search. Analyze the cultural connotations behind these stories. The fourth chapter mainly studies the water areas recorded in the Book of Shoushenji, and compares the changes of the names of the ancient and modern waters or the changes of river basins and so on.


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