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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-01 06:13

  本文選題:張悅?cè)?/strong> + 失敗藝術(shù)家 ; 參考:《中國現(xiàn)代文學(xué)研究叢刊》2017年10期

[Abstract]:From the beginning of his early creation, the image of "artist", composed of painters, photographers, poets and novelists, appeared repeatedly in Zhang Yuelan's novels, forming a special sequence of characters. The author pays special attention to the "failure situation" and "tragedy meaning" after the artist lost inspiration, talent and creative space, and this writing complex is just a "secret channel" to enter Zhang Yuelan's spiritual structure. " Behind the portrait of the failed artist is the interaction between Zhang Yuelan's deep self-subjectivity, spiritual resources and the experience of the times, born in the 1980s. And the 80's of Spirit has become the actual historical coordinate of the author in the "statue" with a narrating stealthy technique. It is worth noting that Zhang Yuelan's pure ideal of art, the aesthetic expression of "failure" and the spiritual identity of "father artists", Perhaps we can find echoes and echoes among intellectuals who have constructed romantic mythology in the 1980 s in various ways since the 1990 s. While inheriting the spirit of his father's generation, Zhang Yuelan also took over the "spiritual puzzle" of his father's generation, and finally turned to thinking about his spiritual predicament and his artistic choice with his contemporaries.
【作者單位】: 北京大學(xué)中文系;


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8 趙靜;;冷眼閱讀張悅?cè)籟J];山東文學(xué);2006年02期

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10 ;張悅?cè)皇状巫姆此肌?0后”[J];語文教學(xué)與研究;2008年36期

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2 白燁;;“80后”的現(xiàn)狀與未來[A];當(dāng)代文學(xué)研究資料與信息(2005.3)[C];2005年

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2 臥嶗子;張悅?cè),純文學(xué)不是喊出來的[N];文學(xué)報;2005年

3 ;張悅?cè)唬簩懽髦粸橄♂尲拍痆N];中華讀書報;2004年

4 本報記者 陳香;張悅?cè)唬骸?0后”文化標(biāo)本們面臨挑戰(zhàn)[N];中華讀書報;2007年

5 廣文;張悅?cè)坏?9位作家受聘北京作協(xié)[N];中國新聞出版報;2007年

6 本報記者 任姍姍;青年作家張悅?cè)?網(wǎng)絡(luò)閱讀,心里總不踏實[N];人民日報;2011年

7 杜一娜;明天社借《張悅?cè)晃募方槿氤扇宋膶W(xué)[N];中國新聞出版報;2007年

8 本報見習(xí)記者 范昕;“80后”作家:誰來解壓縮[N];文匯報;2010年

9 李洋;北京作協(xié)首次簽約80后作家[N];北京日報;2007年

10 記者 舒晉瑜;馮唐、張悅?cè)、笛安包攬“嬌子·未來大家”?名[N];中華讀書報;2011年

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