

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 00:49

  本文選題:紅色經(jīng)典 + 影視改編與重塑; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The "Red Classics" is a special cultural phenomenon produced in China in twentieth Century. Its main content is to show the historical process of national independence and liberation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, reflect the historical process of the new democratic revolution in China and the historical appearance of the socialist construction. The "red classics" mainly included the 50,60 in twentieth Century. The literary and artistic works of the narrative revolutionary history subject in the years are centered on the revolutionary struggle of the arduous and fighting spirit under the leadership of the party. The creative mode is deeply influenced by the "experience of Yanan", with the revolutionary content, the popular form and the stand-free position, with the distinctive folk style and national style. The adaptation of the "red classic" film and television is a Relying on the original works of "Red Classics", with the help of the media of film and television, in order to keep the original frame of the original work and keep the spiritual connotation unchanged, it enriches the image of the characters, fills the plot content, integrates modern aesthetic value and historical reflection, and satisfies the aesthetic needs of the new audience group. Some creators inherit this cultural resource. Borrowing and rewriting to make a new creation, not only absorb many "Red Classics" and the story of the film and television adaptation of the story and creative mode, draw lessons from the original figure to remould, and reconsider and reappear the history on the existing historical height and platform, relying on the cognitive level and thinking habits of the contemporary people, trying to make a great effort. This article tries to study the film adaptation and remolding of the "Red Classics", to investigate the aesthetic tendencies, cultural choices, revolutionary cognition and historical concepts behind the cultural phenomenon with Chinese characteristics, and to think about the continuation and remolding of the "Red Classics". This article is divided into three chapters: the following: This chapter analyzes the development process and essence of the concept of "Red Classics" by analyzing the development process and essence of the "Red Classics", grasping the overall characteristics of the adaptation and remolding of the film and television, laying the foundation and precondition for the promotion of the later study. The social red cultural atmosphere of the historical period is analyzed. Second, excavating the concept of "Red Classics", from the broad and narrow sense, from the "red" and "classic" two levels to understand. Third, respectively discuss the "Red Classics" film adaptation and the "Red Classics" contemporary reshaping of outstanding characteristics. Second chapter, combined with < Lin Haixue The original > < red rock > < Liang sword >, study the film adaptation and remolding of the "Red Classics" in a case study. The first section examines the film and television adaptation of the "Lin Hai snow land", and summarizes the film and television adaptation process of "construction - Deconstruction - Reconstruction". Knowing the form and pursuing the purity of the revolutionary narrative; the TV drama < the snow land of the forest > concentrated the narrative conflict, guaranteed the natural fluency of the plot development, the personalization and humanization of the characters, the desalination of the political theme and the aggravation of the contemporary atmosphere, and the pluralistic aesthetic trend of the times and the entertainment. Compared with the original book, it adds the meaning of the river and lake, the legendary color and the nostalgic breath, constructs the new revolutionary historical imagination in the multi-layer interaction of literature and film, history and reality. The second section, taking the film and television of "red rock >" as an example, inspects the creation of "Red Classics" from the angle of cultural production, and accepts a series of production and consumption links. First, analyze the production mechanism and creation process of "Red Rock", and examine how political discourse permeate literary and artistic creation and rewrite private memories from historical facts to literary fiction in the process of sublimation and transformation from personal recollection to public memory, and excavate the creative mentality and adaptation psychology behind it. Secondly, with the help of Jiang Jieren The analysis of the historical connotation changes of the image of the object, summarizes the remolding process of the female revolutionaries in the "Red Classics" film and television, in order to examine the evolution law of the "Red Classics" from the creation to the adaptation of the film and television. The third section, taking the "bright sword >" as an example, studies the reconstruction of the contemporary "Red Classics". The "Red Classics" and the adaptation of the "Red Classics" by "bright sword >" are reviewed. In the first place, it can not only absorb the essence of the original work, but also examine the historical docking. Secondly, it analyzes the film adaptation of the "bright sword >", from the emphasis on the reality of the war, the strengthening of the revolutionary narrative, and the influence of the politics and the market. Again, the connotation and significance of "the spirit of the bright sword" is excavated, and in the construction of the new historical view and the tragic treatment of the "Red Classics" reengineering and reconstruction. The third chapter, the "Red Classics" film adaptation and remolding of reflection refining. The self value and the explanation advantage of the color classic, the Post Revolution "the demand of the revolutionary enthusiasm and the noble spirit, the spread of the nostalgia, the rise of the mass culture, the dual role of the ideology and the market mechanism." the second section, the reflection and examination of the problems arising from the "Red Classics" in the process of film and television modification and reshaping. "Water flooding dilution" and the loss of revolutionary complex, post-modern "drama" and vulgarization tendency, the universal misreading and character "change face". The third section, combining the current cultural development situation, inspects the realistic meaning and cultural value of the adaptation and remolding of the "red classic" film and television, and thinks about the remolding of the contemporary revolutionary classics. The recounting of life images and historical reappearance has revived and deepened the historical memory of the social masses, influenced the direction of contemporary cultural construction, and provided rich resources for contemporary literary and artistic creation.


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1 雷達;;我對紅色經(jīng)典改編問題的看法[N];人民日報海外版;2004年

2 陳思和;張英;;我不贊成“紅色經(jīng)典”這個提法[N];南方周末;2004年





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