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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-30 23:21

  本文選題:竇娥冤 + 竇天章形象。 參考:《湖北民族學(xué)院學(xué)報(哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)版)》2017年04期

[Abstract]:On the basis of about 80 years of discontinuation of imperial examinations in the Yellow River basin of the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties, the script of Dou'e miserably appears to be quite clear in the view of a specific understanding, but in essence it is like and frustrated. The root lies in the two readable interpretations of one of the feet, Dou Tianzhang, which directly led to the formation of Dou'e tragedy. Because it accords with the spiritual experience characteristic of Guan Hanqing's own existence and life, it extends out a traction line, which induces the audience to focus the tragedy of Dou'e directly on the fact that Cai Po's "lambs and children's information" is exploited by Gao Li. Dou Tianzhang should not be ignored because what he linked is the origin of Dou E's tragedy-politics. However, in the history of Dou'e 's acceptance of the text, such a situation has always been foggy and needs to be clarified.
【作者單位】: 湖北民族學(xué)院文學(xué)與傳媒學(xué)院;


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2 王云;;消極補償:中國特色的藝術(shù)觀念和藝術(shù)實踐[A];2008年度上海市社會科學(xué)界第六屆學(xué)術(shù)年會文集(哲學(xué)·歷史·文學(xué)學(xué)科卷)[C];2008年

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2 廖艷萍;《竇娥冤》的幾種解讀[D];華中師范大學(xué);2012年

3 姚彩潔;從“無訟”的角度看《竇娥冤》[D];中南大學(xué);2008年

4 諸葛元元;關(guān)漢卿《竇娥冤》改編本研究[D];湖南科技大學(xué);2014年





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