

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-28 21:23

  本文選題:貴州“烏江作家群” + 新世紀(jì) ; 參考:《貴州民族大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Wujiang Writers Group in Guizhou is a group of writers devoted to the writing of Wujiang culture in the new century. Their literary creation has strong regional and national character, and they are determined to build Wujiang Literature into a literary brand. The study of "Wujiang Writers Group" in Guizhou has important theoretical research value and literary practical guiding significance for excavating regional national culture, filling the blank in the study of Guizhou literary writers group in the whole country, providing the development paradigm of marginal literature and so on. In view of Guizhou's "Wujiang Writers Group" is a relatively broad literary group, not only has its own literary development situation, but also covers the folklore, anthropology, literary geography and other interdisciplinary characteristics, so literary geography, The main contents are as follows: first, from the comparison between literary writers and literary schools, the selection of literary themes. The writer's general literary "emotion" defines the concept of "Wujiang Writer Group" in Guizhou objectively. Secondly, the colorful style of literary style created by Wujiang's historical and humanistic tradition is given birth to through the motive of literary creation and the creation of Wujiang's style and features. The natural "passageway culture" brings the literature development opportunity three aspects to analyze and probe into the forming relation between the national culture and the writers group in Wujiang region, and to further understand the geographical soil and the humanistic atmosphere of the birth of the group; third, This paper studies the generality and individuality of the literary writing tendency of "Wujiang Writers" in Guizhou. The research on generality is carried out from three aspects: Wujiang memory and root writing, mobile culture and open feelings, mother tongue complex and spiritual record. Personality is analyzed from three aspects: regional national culture narrative of novel group, Wujiang writing of poetry group, historical and cultural root seeking of prose group, etc. Fourth, the summative evaluation of Wujiang Writers Group in Guizhou is carried out. On the one hand, in comparison with Chongqing "Wujiang Writers Group", "Northern Guizhou Writers Group" and literature "Gui Jun", on the other hand, it highlights its unique literary quality, on the other hand, At the same time combing the value and significance of the group from the perspective of development, and put forward constructive suggestions.


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