
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-28 18:04

  本文選題:李陵 + 蘇李詩(shī); 參考:《文史哲》2017年06期

[Abstract]:Before the Tang Dynasty, the understanding and evaluation of Li Ling mainly experienced three great development and evolution. The return of Su Wu to China in six years from the beginning of the Han Dynasty led to the re-examination and discussion of Li Ling's case in the Western Han Dynasty, which established the direction and laid the foundation for the writing of Li Ling by Ban Gu in the period of Confucian Classics. The return of Wen Ji to Han in Jian'an period caused the scholars in Wei and Jin dynasties to pay more attention to and reflect on Li Ling. The compilation of Li Ling Ji and Li Ling Bei Biography was the historical product of the reunderstanding and interpretation of Li Ling. After the chaos, Li Ling accepted to enter a new historical stage: Liu Kun and other cultural elites affirmed Li Ling, broke through the previous evaluation model of sympathy and criticism; Tuoba Xianbei and other northern ethnic groups followed Li Ling, the ancestor of Li Ling. It highlights the symbolic significance of Li Ling in the process of the integration of Hu and Han, and Jiang Yan and other scholars of the Southern and Northern dynasties intend to introduce Li Ling, making his image complete the transformation from "samurai" to "scholar", thus establishing Li Ling's position in literary history. Li Ling's works are hard to distinguish between true and false. Before Tang Dynasty, Li Ling's works were believed to be true. After Song Dynasty, he suspected his falsehood, and denied or affirmed it completely.
【作者單位】: 西北師范大學(xué)文學(xué)院;
【基金】:國(guó)家社會(huì)科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目“漢魏六朝河隴地區(qū)胡漢著姓與本土文學(xué)綜合研究”(10BZW036) 西北師范大學(xué)青年教師科研能力提升計(jì)劃項(xiàng)目“漢魏六朝河隴地域文學(xué)文本整理與研究”(SKGG15001)的階段性成果


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