

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-27 23:33

  本文選題:文學(xué) + 傳播學(xué)。 參考:《紹興文理學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Mass media is acting in the field of literature with unprecedented strong penetration force, and the dissemination of literary works is a powerful example. The "post-80s" literature is closely related to the mass media from creation, communication to acceptance. Han Han's essays and novels have been criticized, but they have not hindered the sale of his works. Behind his book-selling mythology, we see the combination of publishers, the Internet, film and television. It can be seen that, beyond the aesthetic scale of literature, mass media is acting on the literary field with its own operating rules and judgment criteria. The influence of Han Han's works can be said to be a typical example of the combination of media and literature. His success presents the literary landscape created by the combination of literature and communication in the context of mass communication. Therefore, it is necessary to bring Han Han's literary works into the field of communication. The frame of this paper is divided into three parts: introduction, subject and conclusion according to the model of "5W" (communicator, media, content, audience and effect) of American scholar H. Raswell. In the first chapter, the author analyzes the characteristics of Han Han as a personal communicator: the cultural background of Shanghai school, the multiple identities, and the influence of the generation characteristics of "post-80s" on Han Han's literary creation style. The second chapter, mainly from the media, respectively, to the "germination" magazine, publishers, the Internet, film and television drama and other mass media analysis, discusses the contribution of mass media to Han Han's works. The third chapter, based on the semiotics theory, selects three meanings of Han Han's literary works: treason, public knowledge and vagrancy, in order to clarify the essence of Han Han's works. And the role of these symbols in the dissemination of Han Han's works. Chapter four analyzes the characteristics of Han Han's works from the perspective of teenagers and scholars. The fifth chapter mainly explains the enlightenment of Han Han's works to the present literary communication from the angle of literature communication, and reflects on the present situation of literature existence and the present values. The conclusion mainly points out that we should treat Han Han's works dialectically. On the one hand, we should see that his works have respect for reality, respect for life, and the development of literature, which we should actively learn from; on the other hand, We should also see Han Han works in the mass media and market driven by the vulgar side, we should be vigilant.


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