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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-27 23:08

  本文選題:青詞 + 詩體青詞 ; 參考:《江淮論壇》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Qing ci, also called Qing ci, Qing ci, green chapter, originated in Tang Dynasty, shaped in Song Dynasty, and declined in Qing Dynasty. Since the Tang Dynasty, countless Taoists Gao Gong, imperial bureaucrats and literati created a large number of green ci. As far as the Tang and Song dynasties are concerned, the number of existing green ci has exceeded 1600, and the value of literature and historical materials is enormous. Qing ci and Tang poetry show mutual influence on each other. Tang poetry promotes the poetic character of Qing ci. In terms of content, the theme of traveling fairy in Tang poetry is closely related to Qing ci, and the Qing ci, as a parallel prose, is influenced by the rhythm of Tang poetry. As a result, the syllables are more beautiful, and the emotional factors of Qing ci are obviously strengthened under the influence of Tang poetry. On the other hand, Qing ci has promoted the development of Tang poetry, and Qing ci has become the writing content of Tang poetry. The study of the relationship between Qing ci and Tang poetry is of both poetic and religious significance.
【作者單位】: 安徽大學(xué)文學(xué)院;安徽師范大學(xué)中國詩學(xué)研究中心;


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