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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-26 00:31

  本文選題:劉城 + 詩歌; 參考:《紹興文理學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Liu Cheng, as an important member of the Fu Society in the late Ming Dynasty, was famous for its integrity, especially in the literary circles of Chizhou. Liu Cheng is accomplished in poetry and literature. The thesis will take Liu Cheng's life experience and poetry creation as the research object, research his life and friendship, analyze his poetry creation, and try to evaluate the position and influence of Liu Cheng's poetry creation in the history of literature objectively. This paper consists of five parts. Introduction This chapter gives a brief introduction to Liu Cheng, summarizes the current research situation and the purpose of this paper. It is pointed out that taking Liu Cheng as the object of study can not only investigate its people, its affairs, its poems, but also its significance and value in studying the thoughts of the scholars in the late Ming Dynasty and the intellectuals' understanding of life and the times at the time of the great turmoil in the late Ming Dynasty. The first chapter is the study of Liu Cheng. This chapter examines the historical environment of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, mainly discusses Liu Cheng's life and friendship. The second chapter, Liu Cheng poetry research. In this chapter, Liu Cheng's poems are divided into four parts: chronological poems, poems on Huai, answer poems and pastoral poems, and discusses the ideological meaning and artistic characteristics of Liu Cheng's poems. The third chapter, the status of Liu Cheng's literary and cultural history. This chapter synthetically evaluates Liu Cheng's poetry achievement and its influence in the early Qing Dynasty, and studies Liu Cheng from the angle of the culture of the bereavement and the region culture, and analyzes its particularity as a relic and the connection between its creation and the regional culture. The conclusion points out the achievement and influence of Liu Cheng's poetry and its contribution and status in the history of literature. Liu Cheng, a historical figure, is evaluated as objectively and comprehensively as possible, thus giving him his due historical status.


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