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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 14:36

  本文選題:莊子寓言 + 敘事學(xué)。 參考:《青海師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Zhuangzi is a philosophical work with profound and mysterious thoughts. Although it is not devoted to the creation of literary and artistic charm, Zhuangzi still has very high literary and artistic achievements. In pre-Qin literature and even in the history of Chinese literature has a position that can not be ignored. The fables in the book are also the gems in the classical literature of our country. The fable of Zhuangzi already has the narrative elements such as characters and plot, which is an important part of the traditional narrative literature of our country. However, the narrative study of Zhuangzi fable is not sufficient compared with the narrative study of the historical biography literature in the pre-Qin period. Based on the theory of narratology, this paper analyzes the fable of Zhuangzi, in order to explore some characteristics of the fable in the narrative, and the function of this narrative in the process of expressing the main theme of the article. The first part of this paper is an introduction, which briefly explains the origin of the study, defines the concept of fables in Zhuangzi, and clarifies that fables in Zhuangzi are not fables in the sense of stylistics of later generations. To use narratology principle to study "Zhuangzi" the fable present situation carries on the comb. The second part first discusses the concept of "Zhuangzi" fable and the expression of fable in three words-"Fable as wide", and clarifies the dominant position of fable in Zhuangzi. The expression of fable is very important in the process of Zhuangzi's interpretation, and the narrative characteristics of Zhuangzi's fable also play an important role in the process of expressing his thoughts and explaining the truth. Secondly, the fables in Zhuangzi are classified into quasi-fables, fables and fables of a certain nature according to whether they are obvious in narrative, whether they have complete story plot and clear and independent moral. According to narratology's definition of narrative, these fables are partly for declarative fables and narrative fables. The third part discusses the figures in the fable. First of all, the image of the characters are classified into the image of gods and ghosts, the image of people and the image of things. The image of human being is divided into historical figure image, craftsman image and grotesque person image. Because of the particularity of Zhuangzi's own image, it is listed separately and juxtaposed with the other three categories. Secondly, using the functional character view in narratology theory to analyze, it shows that although there are some vivid characters in the fable, the most important function of all the images is to serve the ultimate purpose of "Tao". Has a typical functional image. According to the function of image, it can be divided into five categories: the evangelist and the evangelist, the body and the disobedient, the speaker, and the role they play in the fable. The fourth part discusses the narrative strategy of Zhuangzi's fable from the aspects of narrative rhythm, narrator type, narrative angle and so on. Section three illustrates the unreliable narrative strategies used in fables. The final conclusion is a summary of the full text. Based on the theory of narratology, this paper studies Zhuangzi's fables from the perspective of narratology, and tries to reveal in part the role of the narrative characteristics of Zhuangzi's fables in the process of expressing the purport of Taoism.


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1 明文東;心游敘事與敘事心游—莊子敘事研究[D];云南師范大學(xué);2013年

2 李亞爭;孟莊敘事比較研究[D];中南民族大學(xué);2012年

3 李艷華;《莊子》寓言敘事研究[D];河南大學(xué);2004年





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