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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 15:00

  本文選題:范小青 + 創(chuàng)作; 參考:《山東師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Fan Xiaoqing is a prolific and influential female writer in the contemporary literary world. She has never left the word "female" in her literary creation for more than 30 years. Since the first short story "return to the Night" in the 1980s, although the style of creation has changed, the female feelings in Fan Xiaoqing's "Suzhou flavor" have never been eliminated. Many excellent works written by women, such as "Ruiyun", "Water of Canglang", "female comrades" and so on, were written by women, especially the publication of the 2016 masterpiece "Gui Xiang Street", which once again focused the reader's attention on the grassroots female cadres. Fan Xiaoqing is good at viewing the female images in the works from the female's unique emotional perspective, examining and paying attention to the women's living predicament, and trying to explore the significance of their survival and growth, and to convey the humanistic concern for the existence of women's reality. This thesis consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction is composed of two parts, the first part is to make a related definition of "female writing" in this paper; the second part is the related research on the topic of the thesis; the third part is the reason and significance of the topic. The text consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the typology of female images in Fan Xiaoqing's novels. In this chapter, the female images in Fan Xiaoqing's novels are classified into three aspects: "Women trapped in the family", "the strong woman image" and "the image of a girl eager to live out of me". Each kind of female image category is divided into different small categories according to the character temperament, occupation type and so on, in order to carry on a systematic and comprehensive view to the female image in Fan Xiaoqing's novels. The second chapter is the theme dimension of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing. This chapter summarizes the theme meaning of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing from three aspects of growth, redemption and pursuit, which are "growth such as slough: the struggle and Breakthrough of female individual". "the spiritual variation of trauma and redemption" and "on the road: endless pursuit" three parts, respectively elaborated Fan Xiaoqing female writing each theme of the performance and the underlying reasons. The third chapter is the text strategy of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing. From the perspective of narratology, this chapter sorts out the narrative strategies of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing, which are respectively "the alternative extension of daily life narration", "repeated narrative rhetoric" and "unique narrative viewpoint and language art". Combined with the specific text of the novel, this paper analyzes Fan Xiaoqing's female writing strategy in detail. The conclusion part is the value evaluation of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing. On the basis of the first three chapters, this part summarizes Fan Xiaoqing's female writing from the dimension of literary history, combs the limitations of her female writing, the new possibility of future creation, and its value in the history of contemporary literature. And discusses Fan Xiaoqing's female writing to the contemporary literary world female writing profound significance.


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