

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-22 14:12
【摘要】:至1980年鄧小平同志發(fā)表了關(guān)于中國住宅業(yè)和建筑業(yè)的講話之后,中國的建筑業(yè)就發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化,一時間房地產(chǎn)行業(yè)幾乎成了最熱門的,在大多數(shù)人眼里,也成了穩(wěn)贏不虧的行業(yè)。但從2004年起,國家面對整體經(jīng)濟過熱的局勢,調(diào)整了相關(guān)的政策,從對信貸和土地采取相關(guān)措施,到最近才頒布的限購令,隨著政府對房地產(chǎn)產(chǎn)業(yè)的管理,房地產(chǎn)產(chǎn)業(yè)勢必引起翻天覆地的變化,競爭也將越來越激烈。如何在激烈的競爭中得以生存,對中國各房地產(chǎn)品牌而言都是一個亟待解決的問題。而解決問題的關(guān)鍵之處還在于房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)自身的品牌建設(shè),加強房地產(chǎn)品牌與消費者生活方式的互動。利用整合營銷,加大房地產(chǎn)品牌與消費者生活方式的互動,對房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)營銷的各個環(huán)節(jié)進行整合,讓各個環(huán)節(jié)傳達的企業(yè)信息得以統(tǒng)一,樹立統(tǒng)一的品牌形象,讓消費者接收到統(tǒng)一的品牌信息,,從而達到一種雙向的溝通。 本文以消費者為核心,以整合營銷為理論依據(jù),通過消費者生活方式的分析,找到房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)與消費者溝通的突破口,變消費者需要為需求。針對消費者的行為模式特點來改進整合營銷的方式,達到一種房地產(chǎn)品牌與消費者生活方式的互動。 于此同時,提出通過以廣告、公共關(guān)系、促銷,這大三傳播手段來整合房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)的傳播工具,加強房地產(chǎn)品牌與消費者生活方式的互動,從而達到向消費者傳到統(tǒng)一信息的目的。 除此之外,通過對戶型設(shè)計、售房價格、售房環(huán)境以及顧客服務(wù)等品牌接觸點的整合,使這些品牌接觸點能夠向消費者傳遞同一種信息,達到與消費者的互動,從而樹立統(tǒng)一的品牌形象。 通過對整合消費者生活方式、傳播手段、品牌接觸點這三個不同的層面,使這三者達成一股合力,從而加強房地產(chǎn)品牌與消費者生活方式的互動性,為房地產(chǎn)營銷服務(wù)。
[Abstract]:By 1980, after Comrade Deng Xiaoping gave a speech on China's housing and construction industries, the construction industry in China had undergone earth-shaking changes. At one point, the real estate industry became almost the most popular, in the eyes of most people. Also has become the steady win not to lose the profession. But since 2004, in the face of the overheated economy as a whole, the state has adjusted its relevant policies, from taking relevant measures on credit and land, to the recently issued purchase restrictions, as the government manages the real estate industry. Real estate industry is bound to cause earth-shaking changes, competition will become more and more intense. How to survive in the fierce competition is an urgent problem for Chinese real estate brands. The key to solve the problem lies in the brand construction of real estate enterprises and the interaction between real estate brands and consumer lifestyles. By means of integrated marketing, the interaction between real estate brand and consumer life style is increased, and all links of real estate enterprise marketing are integrated, so that the enterprise information conveyed by each link can be unified, and a unified brand image can be established. Let consumers receive unified brand information, thus achieving a two-way communication. This article takes the consumer as the core, takes the integration marketing as the theoretical basis, through the consumer life style analysis, finds the real estate enterprise and the consumer communication breakthrough, changes the consumer needs into the demand. According to the characteristics of consumer's behavior mode, the integrated marketing mode is improved to achieve the interaction between real estate brand and consumer's lifestyle. At the same time, it is proposed to integrate the means of communication of real estate enterprises through advertising, public relations, promotion, which is a means of communication in the third year, and to strengthen the interaction between real estate brands and consumer lifestyles. In order to achieve the purpose of transmitting unified information to consumers. In addition, through the integration of brand contact points such as household design, house price, housing environment and customer service, these brand contact points can deliver the same information to consumers and achieve interaction with consumers. In order to establish a unified brand image. Through the integration of consumer lifestyle, means of communication, brand contact point of these three different levels, so that these three reach a joint force, so as to strengthen the real estate brand and consumer lifestyle interaction, for real estate marketing services.


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