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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-19 19:02
【摘要】:網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告是日常網(wǎng)頁中的一個(gè)重要元素,雖然其數(shù)量在近二十年來呈現(xiàn)出逐漸上升的趨勢(shì),但其效果卻一直受到商家和研究者的質(zhì)疑。網(wǎng)絡(luò)延遲是人們?cè)谏暇W(wǎng)過程中最常遇到的、也是最為困擾的一個(gè)問題,它也會(huì)影響網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的作用。以往研究者對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)延遲的效應(yīng)以及影響網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告效果的因素這兩個(gè)問題分別開展了大量的研究,但至今尚沒有將兩者結(jié)合起來,探討延遲加載對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告效果影響的研究。因此,本研究具有重要的理論價(jià)值和較大的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。 本研究設(shè)計(jì)了三個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn),來考察延遲加載對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告效果的影響。其中,實(shí)驗(yàn)一考察了加載時(shí)間對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告效果的影響;實(shí)驗(yàn)二在實(shí)驗(yàn)一的基礎(chǔ)上,操縱目標(biāo)內(nèi)容的加載時(shí)間,以此考察目標(biāo)內(nèi)容和廣告在加載時(shí)間上的關(guān)聯(lián)性對(duì)延遲加載廣告效果的影響;實(shí)驗(yàn)三則考察了輪播和延遲對(duì)廣告效果的綜合影響。 本研究結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn):(1)加載時(shí)間對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告再認(rèn)正確率的影響不顯著,但對(duì)再認(rèn)成績的影響顯著。在15s的網(wǎng)頁呈現(xiàn)時(shí)間內(nèi),延遲10s加載的廣告,其再認(rèn)成績顯著高于不延遲的廣告;(2)對(duì)于延遲5s加載的廣告,目標(biāo)內(nèi)容的加載時(shí)間對(duì)廣告的再認(rèn)正確率和再認(rèn)成績均無顯著的影響,提示廣告與目標(biāo)內(nèi)容在加載時(shí)間上的相關(guān)性對(duì)廣告效果沒有顯著影響。但是,與靜態(tài)廣告相比,與目標(biāo)內(nèi)容同時(shí)延遲5s后加載的廣告效果更好;(3)在“不輪播不延遲”、“輪播不延遲”和“輪播且延遲”三種條件下,被試對(duì)廣告的再認(rèn)正確率和再認(rèn)成績均有顯著的差異。其中,“輪播且延遲”廣告的再認(rèn)正確率和再認(rèn)成績均顯著高于“不輪播不延遲”的廣告。 以上結(jié)果表明,在一定條件下,延遲加載不僅不會(huì)削弱網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的效果,反而在一定程度上可以提升廣告的效果。尤其在用戶瀏覽網(wǎng)頁的“晚期”階段加載的廣告、與目標(biāo)內(nèi)容同時(shí)延遲加載的廣告以及“輪播且延遲”的廣告,它們的效果都要顯著好于靜態(tài)廣告。
[Abstract]:Internet advertising is an important element in daily web pages. Although the number of web ads has gradually increased in the past 20 years, its effect has been questioned by merchants and researchers all the time. Network delay is one of the most common and puzzling problems that people encounter in the process of accessing the Internet. It will also affect the role of online advertising. Researchers have carried out a lot of research on the effect of network delay and the factors that affect the effect of network advertising, but they have not been combined to explore the effect of delay loading on the effect of network advertising. Therefore, this study has important theoretical value and great practical significance. This study designed three experiments to investigate the effect of delayed loading on online advertising. Among them, experiment 1 investigates the effect of loading time on the effect of online advertising. Experiment 2 manipulates the loading time of target content on the basis of experiment 1. In this way, the influence of the relevance of target content and advertising on the effect of delayed loading advertising is investigated. The third experiment examines the comprehensive effect of the rotation and delay on the advertising effect. The results show that: (1) the effect of loading time on the recognition accuracy of online advertising is not significant, but the effect on recognition results is significant. In the 15s page presentation time, the recognition results of the ads with a delay of 10s were significantly higher than those without delay; (2) for the ads with a delay of 5s, The loading time of the target content has no significant influence on the recognition accuracy and recognition result of the advertisement, suggesting that the correlation between the advertising and the target content in the loading time has no significant effect on the advertising effect. However, compared with static advertising, the effect of loading ads after 5s delay with the target content is better. (3) under the three conditions of "no rotation and no delay", "rotation without delay" and "rotation and delay", There were significant differences in recognition accuracy and recognition scores. Among them, the recognition accuracy rate and recognition result of "round and delay" advertisement are significantly higher than that of "no rotation and no delay" advertisement. The results show that, under certain conditions, delayed loading can not only weaken the effect of online advertising, but also improve the effect of advertising to a certain extent. Especially the ads loaded in the "late" stage of browsing the web pages, the ads that are delayed to load with the target content and the ads that "rotate and delay" are all better than the static ads.


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1 程利;楊治良;王新法;;不同呈現(xiàn)方式的網(wǎng)頁廣告的眼動(dòng)研究[J];心理科學(xué);2007年03期

2 儲(chǔ)衡清,周曉林;注意捕獲與自上而下的加工過程[J];心理科學(xué)進(jìn)展;2004年05期

3 高銀燕;;論網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體中的廣告設(shè)計(jì)[J];新聞愛好者;2009年18期

4 白學(xué)軍;宮準(zhǔn);楊海波;田瑾;;位置和內(nèi)容對(duì)網(wǎng)頁廣告效果影響的眼動(dòng)評(píng)估[J];應(yīng)用心理學(xué);2008年03期

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1 溫菲;等待信息和任務(wù)特征對(duì)系統(tǒng)響應(yīng)時(shí)間知覺的影響[D];浙江大學(xué);2006年

2 倫國基;網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告形式與注意水平對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告記憶的影響[D];首都師范大學(xué);2006年




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