

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-14 19:49
[Abstract]:In the new media era, brand construction and communication are constantly under the scrutiny of the public, many businesses through the brand image to carry out marketing, through advertising creative and new marketing planning, quickly shape and enhance the status and influence of the brand in the consumer. When modern consumers buy products, they pay more and more attention to the symbolic characteristics and values represented by the products themselves. On the basis of satisfying the efficiency, many businesses begin to attach importance to the visual image and creatively express the brand image of the company or product through various means, take the new media form as the way of communication and promotion, and think effectively about the target market. Fast derived to meet the current and future market, in line with modern consumer favorite brand design and performance. The presentation of innovative ideas in visual image is one of the most important factors for enterprises or businesses to expand their product influence. Brand image design in the era of new media is not merely a formal innovation or a new attempt in product marketing strategy, but should be aimed at creating and improving the innovative visual image. Constantly help enterprises or businesses to cultivate a design plan and mechanism to cater to the new era, so that the corporate culture can be better sublimated, and the cultural value of the product can be improved through the embodiment of the cultural connotation under the brand image design. At the same time for brand image design into more excellent, novel brand culture genes. In addition, we should pay attention to the construction of corporate culture connotation and the interpretation of brand stories, and strengthen the internal power of brand sustainable development through modern WeChat, Weibo, APP and other new media forms. New media has new characteristics of information communication such as interactivity, openness, timeliness and boundlessness. Media operators are faced with new opportunities and challenges in brand building. At the same time, the innovation of new media marketing concept also brings fertile ground to the communication of enterprise brand. This paper takes the brand visual image design and promotion in the new media era as the main research object, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of brand design, and analyzes the principles and procedure methods of brand visual image design. This paper discusses and studies the new theory and practice of brand construction, brand promotion and communication under the new media environment.


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