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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:中國元素策略在內(nèi)蒙古整合營銷傳播中的應(yīng)用 出處:《內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué)》2008年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 中國元素 中國消費者心理特征 整合營銷傳播

【摘要】: “上善若水。水善利萬物而不爭,處眾人之所惡,故幾于道。居善地,心善淵,與善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,動善時。夫唯不爭,故無憂!薄耙云洳粻,故天下莫能與之爭,此乃效法水德也。水幾于道;道無所不在,水無所不利,避高趨下,未嘗有所逆,善處地也;空處湛靜,深不可測。善為淵也;損而不竭,施不求報,善為仁也……” 二十一世紀(jì)初,中國已經(jīng)在改革開放的浪潮中顛簸奮進(jìn)了三十年,經(jīng)歷了一系列經(jīng)濟,文化的重大變革后,中國人在自身文化與精神生活中開始覺醒;中國社會人群的整體自我意識開始逐漸發(fā)展、成熟。越來越多的中國人開始從中華千年發(fā)展史中尋找變革的經(jīng)驗與螺旋性發(fā)展的趨勢,開始從一度傳承又被中斷的經(jīng)典文化中尋找指向未來的文化發(fā)展方向與現(xiàn)存事物的存在根基。 在這樣的時代潮流中,“中國元素”被廣告與設(shè)計界一再提出。但是,什么是“中國元素”?“中國元素”能為我們帶來什么樣的利益?“中國元素”在行銷中的應(yīng)用價值是什么?“中國元素”如何應(yīng)用在廣告設(shè)計與營銷策劃當(dāng)中?這樣的一系列問題的答案將在下面的文章中進(jìn)一步探討。 現(xiàn)實的行銷與廣告案例中,我們經(jīng)常會看到對于中國歷史元素、中國民俗元素、以及中國次文化元素的錯誤的運用,例如:文化題材的娛樂化借用實現(xiàn)了廣告和產(chǎn)品信息的傳播,達(dá)到了提高銷售業(yè)績與提升企業(yè)形象的目的,但留下的卻是被歪曲與褻瀆的文化與歷史事實,并且謬種流傳,無以復(fù)加;蛘,有些企業(yè)的自身定位、產(chǎn)品的核心價值與所借用的中國元素本質(zhì)上不符合,出現(xiàn)信息錯位與斷層,企業(yè)用廣告?zhèn)鞑ミ@把雙刃劍出鞘自刎。這樣的現(xiàn)實下,對于中國元素所植根的中國文化、企業(yè)、產(chǎn)品、受眾消費者,怎樣協(xié)調(diào)各種矛盾使這四方利益均不至受損,能夠以上善若水為最終原則的實用策略亟待出現(xiàn)。對于所要解決的諸多矛盾與問題,本文主要在三個方面進(jìn)行研究與探討,分別是中國元素的涵蓋范圍、中國元素的存在價值、以內(nèi)蒙古地產(chǎn)營銷為切入點研究中國元素在內(nèi)蒙古整合營銷傳播中的應(yīng)用方法。針對中國元素的涵蓋范圍進(jìn)行探討,并對中國元素所具體涉及的項目內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了精確的列舉與定位,以便在對中國元素的應(yīng)用方面能夠做到用之有物。在中國元素的應(yīng)用價值方面,本文主要針對中國現(xiàn)時代消費者心理與消費者價值觀進(jìn)行深入研究,為中國元素在整個中國社會意識形態(tài)中找到正確的位置和應(yīng)用價值。
[Abstract]:"good is like water. Water is good for all things and undisputable, so it is almost in the way of the people. In the land of good, the heart is good and deep, and good benevolence, good words and faith, good governance, good things, when good, when the husband is indisputable." Therefore, no worries. "" with its indisputable, so the world can not compete with it, this is to follow the example of water virtue is also. Road is everywhere, water is not unfavorable, avoid the high trend, there is no rebellion, good land is also; The empty place is still, deep and unfathomable. "if you do harm without exhaustion, you will be kind and benevolent if you do not ask for retribution." " In 21th century, China has been bumpy in the tide of reform and opening up for 30 years. After a series of economic and cultural changes, the Chinese people began to wake up in their own culture and spiritual life. The whole self-consciousness of Chinese society began to develop gradually and mature. More and more Chinese people began to look for the experience of change and the trend of spiral development from the history of Chinese millennium development. It begins to look for the future direction of cultural development and the existence foundation of existing things from the classical culture which was once inherited and interrupted. In such a trend of the times, the "Chinese element" has been repeatedly proposed by the advertising and design community. But what is the "Chinese element"? What benefits can the "Chinese element" bring to us? What is the application value of "Chinese element" in marketing? How does "Chinese element" apply in advertising design and marketing planning? The answers to such a series of questions will be further explored in the following article. In real marketing and advertising cases, we often see the wrong use of Chinese historical elements, Chinese folklore elements, and Chinese sub-cultural elements. For example, the entertainment of cultural themes has realized the dissemination of advertising and product information, and achieved the purpose of improving sales performance and promoting the image of enterprises, but left behind the cultural and historical facts that have been distorted and desecrated. And fallacy spread, can not add. Or, some enterprises own positioning, the core value of the product and the essence of the borrowed elements of China does not match, information dislocation and fault. Enterprises use advertising to spread this double-edged sword out of their sheath. In such a reality, Chinese culture, enterprises, products, and consumers rooted in Chinese elements. How to coordinate all kinds of contradictions so that the interests of the four parties will not be damaged, and the practical strategy of being able to be good as water is the ultimate principle is urgently needed to appear. Many contradictions and problems to be solved are urgently needed to be solved. This article mainly carries on the research and the discussion in three aspects, respectively is the Chinese element covers the scope, the existence value of the Chinese element. With Inner Mongolia real estate marketing as a starting point to study the application of Chinese elements in Inner Mongolia integrated marketing communication methods. And the specific Chinese elements involved in the specific items of the list and positioning, in order to be able to use the Chinese elements in the application of material and in the application of Chinese elements value. This paper focuses on the study of consumer psychology and consumer values in China in order to find the correct position and application value of Chinese elements in the whole Chinese social ideology.


中國期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前10條

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8 吳志攀;高等教育與區(qū)域發(fā)展——以“首都教育”為視角的考察[J];北京大學(xué)教育評論;2003年04期

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中國重要會議論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前4條

1 高潔;張豐收;;基于GIS的江蘇省“十五”期間區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展過程和格局演變研究[A];江蘇省測繪學(xué)會2007年學(xué)術(shù)年會論文集[C];2008年

2 區(qū)抴;李子丹;;泰德·休斯詩歌中的道家思想傾向[A];“文學(xué)倫理學(xué)批評:文學(xué)研究方法新探討”學(xué)術(shù)研討會論文集[C];2005年

3 高潔;張豐收;;基于GIS的江蘇省“十五”期間區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展過程和格局演變研究[A];江蘇省測繪學(xué)會2007'學(xué)術(shù)年會論文集[C];2008年

4 羅松濤;唐常杰;段磊;鐘義嘯;喬少杰;,




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