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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-04 18:50
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and science and technology, the sustainable destruction of ecological environment is brought about. The spreading value of documentary film reflecting ecological civilization is more and more prominent. It calls people close to nature, cherishes nature, adheres to green development, and promotes harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The author's graduation documentary, Lanxiang Monkey Rhyme, mainly tells about the hand-made techniques and historical culture of Taiping Houkui Tea, one of China's ten most famous teas with a long history, and reflects the living conditions of the people living in the tea villages at the foot of Huangshan Mountain and by the Taiping Lake. The organic integration of natural features and humanistic elements reflects the major theme of harmony between man and nature. This paper selects the documentary "Lanxiang Monkey Rhyme" as a case study, and carries on the narrative analysis in combination with the ecological aesthetics, in order to carry on the academic thought to the creation and the research of this kind of documentary. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part describes the research background and present situation of the thesis, and describes the value of selecting the topic and the current situation of shooting the documentary "Lanxiang Monkey rhyme". In the second part, the angle of view of Lanxiang Monkey Rhyme is analyzed and expounded from the angle of ecological aesthetics. The third part summarizes the creation of documentary. The fourth part lists the documentary film production work plan and summarizes the paper on the basis of previous analysis.


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