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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-01 09:32
[Abstract]:As a branch of the art of film and television drama, children's cartoon language has the literary language characteristics of general film and television drama, but because the audience is children, children cartoon has its own irreplaceable social value and characteristics. Many of us begin to understand the world from cartoons, so children animation has its unique educational function. The children's world is as pure as a white paper with strong imitation and no basic characteristics such as non-discrimination. It requires children to grasp the interest of language as well as to pay attention to education in the process of creation of children's cartoons. Language plays an important role in children's cartoons. Animation is the art of combination of sound and painting. Language is very important. In recent years, with the rapid expansion of children's cartoon market, animation production often pays attention to picture quality and despises language quality.


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