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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-29 11:52
[Abstract]:From the angle of psychology, dream is not only the expression and manifestation of unconscious or subconscious desire, but also the realization of inner desire, in which it is possible to replace oneself with others. From the angle of plot narration, it can be an independent narrative clue, the whole story revolves around the dream. Can also promote the trend of storyline, pre-dream, post-dream, create a turning point in the story. From the perspective of spatial structure, it breaks the traditional linear narrative structure and constructs a new hierarchical space. The nonlinear narration goes back in the way of dreams and creates a kind of discontinuous continuity, which becomes impossible. The theme of the dream element is that the director conveys some realistic feelings to the audience through a big dream scene, which helps the audience to understand the alert and thinking brought by the film. In order to reflect some problems of social life, the author tries to make up a micro-film "memory of tomorrow" and applies it to the dream element. In this paper, the author studies the role of dream element in the film from different angles. Through the use of dream elements in the classic film, some conclusions are drawn. And analyzed some advantages and disadvantages of dream use in memory of tomorrow.


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