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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-24 15:23
[Abstract]:In recent years, comedy films have suddenly emerged in the Chinese film market, a series of box office miracles have been set one after another, which has driven the development of the entire film industry, but there is a serious decline in the artistic quality behind the prosperity. Some of the most popular comedy films have neglected the artistic value of the films because of their excessive pursuit of commercial interests, which makes the films show a tendency of vulgarization and shallowness, but lack the real spirit of comedy in the form of empty comedies. It's a long way from a good comedy film. In view of this phenomenon, this paper studies the comedy film from the angle of comedy spirit. Firstly, this paper defines the connotation of comedy spirit in comedy film, summarizes the classic exposition of comedy spirit, abstracts the core connotation of comedy spirit and extends the critical spirit on this basis. Transcending consciousness and humanistic concern are the three new connotations of comedy spirit in contemporary comedy films. Secondly, this paper analyzes the concrete manifestation of the comedy spirit deficiency in the present comedy film based on the new connotation of the contemporary comedy spirit. Nowadays comedy movies replace the critical spirit with virtual imagination and cynical attitude, replace the transcendental spirit with playful play and sensual stimulation, replace the people-oriented with material-oriented, and replace the real humanistic care with distorted values. As for the lack of comedy spirit, this paper takes the carnival mass culture as the cultural background and probes into the reasons from two aspects: the filmmakers who are restricted by the interests and the movie viewers who pursue entertainment to death. Finally, this paper chooses some classic comedy films as an example to explore the specific ways of reconstruction of comedy spirit. It is pointed out that the comedy movies should reconstruct the critical spirit by the way of bravely revealing social problems, boldly criticizing social problems, reconstructing the transcendental consciousness with the power of resisting alienation of human nature and affirming the power of human self. The reconstruction of humanistic care is realized by paying attention to the living state of human beings and guiding people with correct values. Although comedy film is characterized by "laugh", it is not only a tool for entertainment, but also the art value of the film should be promoted with comedy spirit to fill up its inner emptiness while pursuing entertainment to death. In a real sense, the box-office and the art of the double harvest.


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