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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-16 23:33
【摘要】:西方偵探電影從誕生伊始就確立了其穩(wěn)定的敘事話語機(jī)制、價(jià)值觀念系統(tǒng)及鏡頭語言風(fēng)格,在類型電影的舞臺(tái)上抒寫出獨(dú)具一格的魅力。它聚焦城市犯罪主題,在偵探對(duì)犯罪案件的調(diào)查和推理過程中,滲透著對(duì)社會(huì)和人性黑暗面的深度剖析,指涉、觀照人性和人類的生存境遇,散射出濃重的現(xiàn)實(shí)主義批判氣息。 西方偵探電影的發(fā)展流變與西方社會(huì)語境的變遷休戚相關(guān),尤其是一戰(zhàn)、二戰(zhàn)、后現(xiàn)代主義思潮等為偵探類型的豐富和發(fā)展提供了契機(jī)。此外,社會(huì)階級(jí)結(jié)構(gòu)的變化、觀眾心理訴求的變化、影像技術(shù)的進(jìn)步等,也進(jìn)一步促進(jìn)了偵探電影向多元化方向發(fā)展。在此社會(huì)語境下,西方偵探電影經(jīng)歷了從經(jīng)典偵探電影到硬漢偵探電影再到跨類型偵探電影的發(fā)展流變。 西方偵探電影是典型的西方英雄式電影,其人物譜系建立在善惡二元對(duì)立的格局之上,偵探們以超人的智慧和勇氣,與罪犯博弈,彰顯出懲惡揚(yáng)善的主流價(jià)值觀念。而女性形象雖然由缺席到逐漸在一定程度上掌握了話語權(quán),但是她們?nèi)詻]有擺脫傳統(tǒng)男性權(quán)威的控制,處于一種限制性失語狀態(tài)。 西方偵探電影洋溢著濃重的懸疑神秘色彩,在敘事上借助敘述性詭計(jì)的設(shè)計(jì)、戲劇情境的架構(gòu)和懸念的設(shè)置等技巧,建置奇幻詭譎的犯罪現(xiàn)場(chǎng),解構(gòu)犯罪與罪惡的迷宮,為觀眾提供一場(chǎng)撲朔迷離的視聽盛宴。 隱喻性的意象符碼、客觀性的信息特寫和壓抑沉郁的冷色調(diào)畫面質(zhì)感,與其犯罪主題相輔相成,彰顯出西方偵探電影的獨(dú)特的視覺影像風(fēng)格。
[Abstract]:Western detective film has established its stable narrative discourse mechanism, value concept system and lens language style from the beginning of its birth, and expressed its unique charm on the stage of type film. It focuses on the theme of urban crime. In the process of detective's investigation and reasoning of criminal cases, it penetrates the deep analysis of society and the dark side of human nature, refers to the deep analysis of human nature and human living conditions, and scatters a strong critical realism breath. The development of the western detective film is closely related to the change of the western social context, especially the World War I, World War II and the trend of thought of postmodernism, which provides an opportunity for the enrichment and development of the detective type. In addition, the change of social class structure, the change of audience's psychological appeal and the progress of video technology have further promoted the development of detective film in the direction of diversification. In this social context, the western detective film has experienced the development from the classic detective film to the tough detective film to the cross-type detective film. The western detective film is a typical western heroic film, whose character genealogy is based on the dualistic pattern of good and evil. The detectives play games with the criminals with the wisdom and courage of Superman, which shows the mainstream value of punishing evil and promoting good. Although the female images from absence to gradually master the right to a certain extent, but they are still not free from the control of traditional male authority, in a restrictive state of aphasia. Western detective films are filled with strong suspense and mystery. In narration, with the help of techniques such as the design of narrative tricks, the structure of dramatic situations and the setting of suspense, the crime scene of fantasy and treacherous is built, and the maze of crime and crime is deconstructed. For the audience to provide a confusing audiovisual feast. The metaphorical image code, the objective information close-up and the depressed cold tone picture texture complement each other with its crime theme, which shows the unique visual image style of the western detective film.


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1 游飛;;電影敘事結(jié)構(gòu):線性與邏輯[J];北京電影學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào);2010年02期

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4 蔡衛(wèi);在夢(mèng)里他對(duì)你說——大衛(wèi)·林奇的電影世界[J];當(dāng)代電影;2003年04期

5 陳磊;;CSI:犯罪現(xiàn)場(chǎng)調(diào)查——對(duì)奇觀和私密的窺視[J];當(dāng)代電影;2007年02期

6 徐剛;;“十七年”反特諜戰(zhàn)片中的城市空間[J];當(dāng)代電影;2011年05期

7 周和軍;;電影敘事學(xué)與文學(xué)敘事學(xué)的互文性——以復(fù)調(diào)與視點(diǎn)為例[J];當(dāng)代文壇;2008年03期

8 石實(shí);;《大偵探福爾摩斯》的懷想與隱喻[J];電影評(píng)介;2010年04期

9 李顯杰,修倜;敘述人·人稱·視點(diǎn)──電影敘事中的主體策略[J];電影藝術(shù);1996年03期

10 張璐;;論托多羅夫的《偵探小說類型學(xué)》[J];法國(guó)研究;2011年01期

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1 陳瑜;電影懸念的敘事分析[D];上海大學(xué);2009年





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