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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-16 16:42
【摘要】:新時期以來,隨著社會經(jīng)濟文化的發(fā)展,出現(xiàn)一個很重要的趨勢,社會主流群體年輕化,這使得青年人的價值觀念成為整個社會的主流觀念和強勢觀念,社會歷史的變遷在青年人命運思想上的體現(xiàn)尤為敏感和生動,這種相關(guān)的時代變遷又很直觀地體現(xiàn)在電影中,尤其是新世紀十年,出現(xiàn)了一大批青春電影,這些電影從社會生活方式到意識形態(tài)集中體現(xiàn)了青年人獨特鮮明的文化樣式。 這篇論文聚焦新世紀大陸青春電影,從多個角度對此時間段的中國青春電影創(chuàng)作母題以及藝術(shù)表達進行梳理與研究,采用電影敘事學(xué)、個案分析與整體研究相結(jié)合的方法作出總體把握和具體分析。橫軸以大陸青春電影為論述空間,縱軸上以2000——2013年為時間背景,此時間段我國電影投資主體逐漸多元化,新生代導(dǎo)演回歸舞臺、新銳導(dǎo)演的多元影像加入,使大陸青春電影在新世紀展示出了別樣風景,既有對過往青春的追憶,更有對當下青年人生存狀態(tài)的關(guān)注,歷史意義和現(xiàn)實意義較之前相比更加深厚,大陸電影所呈現(xiàn)出的商業(yè)化傾向、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)思維,使得展示平臺更加豐富,青春電影風頭正勁,出現(xiàn)了此時代所特有的影像風格,借此提取五部青春電影作為個案分析。以同中存異,異中求同的辯證思路出發(fā),建立起宏觀統(tǒng)一的大陸青春電影視野,希望以此為中國大陸青春電影的未來發(fā)展提供些許思考。本論文主體共有三章,加緒論和結(jié)論共為五個部分。
[Abstract]:Since the new era, with the development of social economy and culture, a very important trend has emerged. The main social group is getting younger, which makes the values of young people become the mainstream and strong ideas of the whole society. The social and historical changes are particularly sensitive and vivid in the thinking of the fate of young people. This related change of the times is directly reflected in the films, especially in the new century decade, and a large number of youth films have appeared. These films, from social life style to ideology, embody the distinctive cultural style of young people. This paper focuses on the mainland youth movies of the new century, combs and studies the motif and artistic expression of Chinese youth films in this period from many angles, and adopts the film narratology. Case study and the overall study of the method combined to make a general grasp and specific analysis. The horizontal axis takes the mainland youth film as the elaboration space, the vertical axis takes 2000-2013 as the time background, this time period our country movie investment main body gradually diversifies, the new generation director returns to the stage, the new sharp director's multiple images join. In the new century, the mainland youth films have displayed a different landscape. They not only recall the youth of the past, but also pay more attention to the living conditions of today's young people. The historical and practical meanings are more profound than before. The commercial tendency of the mainland films and the thinking of the Internet make the display platform more abundant. The youth films are gaining momentum and the unique image style of this era appears. Thus five youth films are extracted as a case study. Based on the dialectical thinking of preserving difference and seeking common ground, the author sets up a macroscopic and unified view of the mainland's youth film, hoping to provide some thoughts for the future development of the Chinese mainland's youth film. The main body of this paper consists of three chapters, plus introduction and conclusion are five parts.


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1 邱寶林;新世紀中國青年導(dǎo)演電影話語建構(gòu)圖景與傳播邏輯[D];上海大學(xué);2012年





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