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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-16 08:37
[Abstract]:Espionage is based on the secret underground war of a particular historical period, and it is a type of film and TV drama with the main plot of gathering and transmitting intelligence, executing and detecting special mission (countervailing, assassinating, destroying) between the personnel and the counterintelligence department. In our country, espionage novels can be traced back to the period of the Republic of China, including the two basic narrative types of "lurking" and "pick-rape" since the founding of the people's Republic of China. Our country's spy war movies and TV plays have experienced three stages of development. Namely 1949-1965 17 years period special situation movie; The 1980-2000 espionage TV series and the 2002-present espionage series. This article takes the domestic espionage drama from 2002 to present as the main research object, from the diachronic research angle, unifies the multi-context which the type creation faces. The prevailing market consumption culture and the internal introspection of art are taken care of, and combined with the representative texts of different periods, the artistic characteristics formed in the artistic creation of espionage drama from 2002 to 2016 are discussed and analyzed. According to this logic, the main part of this study is divided into four chapters: (1) the foundation period of the new century espionage drama. This stage takes "vow silent" as the representative text, discusses its inheritance to the traditional "surprise aesthetics" and the formation of "tragedy consciousness", taking the drama conflict theory in Hegel's theory of tragicomedy as the main theoretical tool. (2) the development period of the new century espionage drama. In this stage, "secret arithmetic" is taken as the representative text to discuss the creative tendency of his "Wonder narration", with Eljavic's Visual Wonder Theory as the main theoretical tool; (3) the mature period of the espionage war drama in the new century. This stage takes "latent" as the representative text, discusses its "daily aesthetics" construction, takes the text analysis as the main research method; (4) the transformation period of the new century espionage drama. In this stage, "camouflage" is taken as the representative text to discuss the type fusion embodied in it, the semiotics semantic matrix as the theoretical tool of text analysis, and the study on the types of youth idol drama and family ethics drama. In short, espionage dramas are the product of collusion between national mainstream culture and market consumption culture. In the course of more than 10 years of development in the new century, they have formed a set of relatively stable forms and styles of TV dramas. Some of the artistic characteristics of this type of TV play are consistent in the creation and prosperous development, and finally form a kind of basic mode of the narrative of this type of TV drama; Others, along with a certain representative works in a period of hot and widespread concern, showing a hidden cultural and social implications. This study is devoted to the analysis of the change and invariance in the whole artistic style of spy war drama since the new century, and the pulse of the development and trend of this type of TV play in the vertical combing, and provides the basis and reference for the future practice.


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