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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-15 05:39
[Abstract]:Based on the tradition of Chinese civilization, "monkey" as a word, as a totem in the history of the accumulation of profound biological and cultural charm. Sun Wukong as one of the main characters in Wu Chengen's Journey to the West in Ming Dynasty bears the spiritual core of traditional society and is loved by Chinese readers. The audible screen image of Sun Wukong originates from the 1927 film "Pan Silk Cave". With the development of science and technology and the development of film industry, Sun Wukong's image, as a classic IP, burst out strong artistic tension and become the current hot spot of screen again. The first chapter analyzes the historical and cultural origin of Sun Wukong's image from monkey culture, and analyzes the image of Sun Wukong in the novel Journey to the West. The second chapter divides the research object into four stages according to the movie creation upsurge: in the 1920s, the image of "Sun Wukong" first touched the screen, causing the "martial arts genie movie" upsurge; From the 1940s to 1960s, most of them were animated films and opera films with national characteristics. Sun Wukong acted as a cultural weapon under the background of a specific era, which was characterized by enlightenment. In the 1990s, with A Chinese Odyssey as the symbol, the image of Sun Wukong began to be subversive after modernization, and became the vane to mark the turning of popular culture. Since 2013, represented by the part of "traveling to the West", the part of "the Witchen in the West" continues the pluralistic creation of Sun Wukong's image and unifies the swing of human nature and the conversion of Buddha nature. The third and fourth chapters are the deep discussion of the third and fourth sections of the second chapter. The third chapter focuses on the image of A Chinese Odyssey in "the Box of the Moonlight of A Chinese Odyssey" ("the Box of the Moonlight of A Chinese Odyssey") and "the Great Sage of A Chinese Odyssey" (3), and discusses the shaping of the image and the strategy of narration. In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the image of Sun Wukong in the part of "traveling to the West" (the part of falling Demons in the West) and the theme of reconstructing the traditional value. The fifth chapter adopts the comparative method, through the comparison with Sun Wukong's image in the American, Japanese and Korean films, more clearly highlights the corresponding relationship between the image of Sun Wukong and social changes, cultural transformation and ideological change in Chinese films. In the key period of production and supply-side content reform of China's film IP industry chain, the research of this paper has important practical significance.


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