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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-14 01:38
【摘要】:林語堂的《京華煙云》一直以來深受中外研究者們的青睞。這不僅因為它是以英語作為敘事語言的小說,更因為它是一部以獨特視角向外國讀者講述中國文化的巨著。作者用細膩又真實的筆觸清晰完整地描繪了 1900年至1938年間的姚、曾、牛三大家族的興衰,淋漓盡致地展現(xiàn)了新舊文化的激烈沖撞、儒家文化和道家文化的和諧共處、上流社會和普羅大眾的日常生活,為渴望了解中國的西方讀者展開了一幅美輪美奐的中國傳統(tǒng)文化與現(xiàn)代生活交集的畫卷。在Moment in Peking流傳過程中,產(chǎn)生了三個漢譯本和三個電視劇版本。本文以接受美學為導引,圍繞文學翻譯和電視劇改編,仔細考察Moment in Pking從英文原著到三個漢譯本再到三個電視劇版本的變遷。譯著是原著的“重生”,譯著的產(chǎn)生使原著以另一種方式繼續(xù)生存,電視劇在此基礎(chǔ)上則為名著的通俗化作出了自己的貢獻。電視劇的熱播帶動了英文原著和漢譯本的熱銷。但影視劇改編對于原著來說是重生還是傷害或是毀滅,卻是值得我們深入思考的問題,熱播熱銷的原因首先來自林語堂的個人魅力以及Moment in Peking的藝術(shù)魅力;其次,Moment in Peking在漢譯和電視劇改編過程中也讓這部不朽巨著以各種形式在繼續(xù)它不停歇的旅行。
[Abstract]:Lin Yutang's Beijing-China smoke Cloud has long been favored by Chinese and foreign researchers. This is not only because it is a novel with English as its narrative language, but also because it is a masterpiece with a unique perspective on Chinese culture to foreign readers. The author clearly and completely depicts the rise and fall of Yao, Zeng and Niu's three great families from 1900 to 1938 with exquisite and real brushwork, which vividly shows the fierce collision of new and old cultures and the harmonious coexistence of Confucian and Taoist cultures. The upper-class society and the daily life of the general public set out a beautiful picture of the intersection of traditional Chinese culture and modern life for the Western readers eager to understand China. During the spread of Moment in Peking, three Chinese versions and three TV series versions were produced. Guided by reception aesthetics, this paper focuses on literary translation and TV series adaptation, and examines the changes of Moment in Pking from the English original to the three Chinese versions and then to the three TV series versions. The translated works are the rebirth of the original works, and the production of the translated works makes the original works survive in another way. On this basis, the TV series make their own contribution to the popularization of the famous works. The popularity of TV plays has led to the popularity of English original works and Chinese translations. However, the adaptation of the film and TV play is a question worthy of our deep consideration for the rebirth, injury or destruction of the original work. The reason for the hot selling comes first from Lin Yutang's personal charm and Moment in Peking's artistic charm. Second, Moment in Peking in the process of Chinese translation and TV adaptation of this monumental book in various forms to continue its endless journey.


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2 方小卿;《京華煙云》漢譯之文體學研究[D];四川大學;2004年

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